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Jose Anthony's Blog:
PHP Code review checklist
Dec 07, 2010 @ 15:11:37

Jose Anthony has post together a great list of tips you can use when performing a PHP code review. You can also use it when preparing for a review to keep things going as smooth as possible.

I love to do code reviews because it give me chance to see how other people write code and improve mine also. I have seen many people who are afraid of doing code review. Which made think of creating a code review checklist for php. Please note this is not full checklist for code review and following all the conditions in this will not end up in a great code. But following this will end up in code that can be maintained by others in the later stage of code development.

Some of the suggestions he has in the list include:

  • Always try to initialize the variable before using that in a function.
  • Never ever mix the php code and template (view). In ideal condition a view should not contain any logic.
  • In the case of a system crash never ever put up the error information that expose the internal behavior of the system.
  • Never allow bad code with some good comments
  • Always have an eye on the recursive functions.
tagged: code review checklist opinion


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