Following passing the Zend Framework Certification exam, Joshua Thijssen did some more thinking about other certifications that are out there to help developers show how well they know their stuff.
Today I've passed the Zend Framework Certification exam and with that I can finally close my new years resolution for 2010: doing 12 (tech related) exams in 2010. So I've seen a lot of exams, good ones and bad ones and I want to share with you my experience by creating a top-5 of must-have certifications for PHP programmers...
He suggests that certifications are a good way to prove your knowledge to others like customers or colleagues. He talks about the exams and certifications he's taken this year (20 of them) and some of the things he's learned along the way:
- Like unit-testing, mocking is everything.
- Failing is not a shame
- Don't do what I do, unless you know what you are doing.
- The top-5 of certifications that every PHP should have (according to me)