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20 Tips you need to learn to become a better PHP Programmer
Dec 14, 2010 @ 18:56:50

If you're one of the developers that have the basics of the language down and want to improve your skills to the next level, you'd do well to check out this post from Webgeekly.com packed with little helpful hints you can use to make your life easier.

PHP is a very versatile programming language that can achieve the same objective in multiple ways. You can read more about that in my 'The Art of Programming' post. Below are a few tips I’ve picked up from past projects that can improve your code readability and maintainability and make you a neater, more organized PHP programmer.

There's lots of useful hints included - most of them are relatively basic, but they can even be helpful as reminders for those seasoned developers:

  • Separate Configuration Files
  • Use Indentation and Spacing
  • Give your Variables Meaningful Names
  • Use Ternary Operators
  • Use Assignment Operators
  • Use Objects instead of Functions
  • Aim for Loose Coupling, Strong Cohesion
tagged: hints tips better programmer opinion


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