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Brian Swan's Blog:
Using the Zend Framework and the PDO_SQLSRV Driver
Jan 21, 2011 @ 18:52:20

Brian Swan has a new tutorial posted to his MSDN blog today looking at how to use the Zend Framework with the PDO_SQLSRV driver to connect your applications to a SQL Server database.

A couple of months ago, Rob Allen pointed out in a blog post that no Zend Framework PDO adapter existed for SQL Server. But, he also noted that it would be easy to write one...so he did: https://github.com/akrabat/Akrabat/blob/master/zf1/Akrabat/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Sqlsrv.php. Rob also mentioned that it would be very easy to use his adapter with the Zend Framework, but I wondered just how easy - that's what I'll investigate in this post. (Cut to the chase: it is very easy.)

Brian takes the long way around for those that want the details. He talks about setting up Zend_Tool for Windows, setting up the Zend Framework tutorial and creating the application. This includes setting up the Apache rewrite rules (mod_rewrite), adding in the database information to your application.ini file and creating a basic table on the SQL Server database to connect to (based on SQL included with the tutorial).

tagged: zendframework pdosqlsrv driver tutorial


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