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Cal Evans' Blog:
PHP Wrapper for Klout API
Jan 31, 2011 @ 16:51:23

In a new post to his blog today Cal Evans mentions a new API wrapper he's developed to work with the Klout website (a site showing your "clout" on twitter).

In a previous tweet about playing with Klout and Twitter I talked about a project I am working on that mines Klout for interesting people. (Well, interesting to me) The main body of code remains procedural because...well because it works and it's not something I'm going to share so why bother cleaning it up. However parts of it may be useful to me in other projects. So I abstracted the Klout API into a class and have posted it for anyone who wants to use it.

His Klout wrapper for PHP (a github project) is largely procedural but gives you a good idea of how to talk to their API. Cal mentions some other things he's wanting to do with the script, but notes that it's ready for use now without any other changes. You can find out more about Klout on their website.

tagged: klout api wrapper twitter github


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