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Indra Dutta's Blog:
Top 5 reasons why PHP is a better choice than java & .NET for most websites
Feb 08, 2011 @ 14:35:13

Indra Dutta has shared some of his thoughts about which language(s) are best suited for web development work in his latest post - that PHP is a better choice over things like Java and .NET for building most of the functionality out there.

I have worked on java web frameworks like JSF, Echo2, Vaadin, Grails and recently Play. Similarly I have worked on Silverlight, ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC. My conclusion is that, in overall, PHP frameworks beat both java and .NET frameworks in terms of ease of development, deployment and even maintenance- for creating web sites with moderate complexity. Of course, I do not expect you to take my words for granted.

He lists his "top five" reasons why PHP is the better choice over some of the other frameworks mentioned:

  • PHP web hosting options are superior
  • PHP provides rapid development and instant gratification to developers
  • PHP web frameworks provide a complete stack sufficient to develop a great many web sites
  • PHP frameworks provide a low barrier of entry for web developers
  • No DLL or jar hell

Of course, no article like this is complete without a load of comments from both sides of the fence, so be sure to read up on those for different perspectives.

tagged: opinion java dotnet better website build


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