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Najaf Ali's Blog:
Why PHP is better than Ruby
Feb 23, 2011 @ 17:15:56

In a new post to his site, Najaf Ali has a tongue-in-cheek article about "why PHP is better than Ruby", a sarcastic look at the differences between the two languages with one winning out as a favorite.

PHP is better than ruby. There, I said it. In this article I'm going to show you why, and probably upset some twenty-something, flip-flop clad, mac-using hippie fanboys in the process.

He lists a few differences between the two languages - objects in Ruby, syntax and readability, object handling in PHP and Ruby's ability to redefine any classes - even core ones. Here's a hint for reading this article though - don't take it too seriously, it's in good fun.

tagged: opinion ruby compare language humor


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