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Mink library integration bundle for Symfony2 (for Behat)
Apr 21, 2011 @ 16:44:02

Konstantin Kudryashov has linked to a new tool that's adds BehatMink browser abstraction library for your Symfony2 project as a part of the Behat project (a BDD testing tool for PHP).

You can now test your Symfony2 applications with PHPUnit and Mink, thanks to brand new MinkBundle.

This new tool provides a clean API, support for Symfony2's test.client browser emulator and support for the Goutte and Sahi browser emulators as well. In the README on it's github page, they've provided some sample code snippets that show how to register the namespaces, add it to your application kernel/add the config, enable the GoutteDriver and SahiDriver and, of course, write a first test.

tagged: mink library integration behat bdd testing symfony2 bundle


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