Popular posts from PHPDeveloper.org for the past week:
- PHPRiot.com: Reducing a Map Path Using Douglas-Peucker Algorithm
- Symfony Blog: Symfony2: Getting easier
- Web Developer Juice: PHP Magic Functions: Best Part of Object Oriented PHP - Part 1
- Script-Tutorials.com: Creating a Modern Looking Animated Login System in PHP
- Ibuildings techPortal: DPCRadio: Technical Writing
- Christian Weiske's Blog: Visualizing PHPUnit runs
- Site News: Job Postings for the week of 04.24.2011
- Community News: Dutch PHP Conference - Important update: Conference Social Location has Changed!
- Phil Sturgeon's Blog: Benchmark 2011: A call for Participants
- Hannes Magnusson's Blog: There is an app^Wppa for that