On the Smashing Magazine site there's a post some of Paul Tero's favorite programming mistakes he's come across and heard of in his time programming.
I like to classify these mistakes into three broad groups: cock-ups (or screw-ups in American English), errors and oversights. A cock-up is when you stare blankly at the screen and whisper "Oops": things like deleting a database or website, or overwriting three-days worth of work, or accidentally emailing 20,000 people. Errors cover everything, from simple syntax errors like forgetting a } to fatal errors and computational errors.
Included in his list are things like:
- Leaving Debug Mode On
- Turning Debug Mode Off
- Wrong Variable Type
- 1p Errors
Examples of each are included with both code and descriptions as well as "lessons learned" to help you not make the same mistakes in your applications.