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Stuart Herbert's Blog:
PHP Components: Shipping Web Pages With Your Components
Aug 16, 2011 @ 18:13:06

Stuart Herbert's latest post in his "PHP Components" series looks at an optional but handy thing you can include in your component's package - web pages (be they a manual or other kind of information). This new post talks about where they should lie in the component's package structure.

I'm now going under the bonnet of our components, and looking at the different file roles that the PEAR installer expects to find when we distribute our component as a PEAR-compatible package. It isn’t very often that a component needs to ship web pages too, but should the need arise, here’s how to do it.

He starts by defining what a "web page" could be (HTML, Javascript, CSS, etc) and gives the place in the hierarchy they should fit. When you use the PEAR client to install the package, these files are placed in the "www" folder of your PEAR installation.

tagged: component webpage structure tutorial pear


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