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Protection and Methodologies of Security Vulnerabilities in Web Development
Aug 17, 2011 @ 16:16:07

On the Script Tutorials blog today there's a good summary post reminding you of some of the common security issues that your web application can face, mostly due to improper validation and filtering.

Our new article focuses on security in web. Many beginners (and not only) web programmers sometimes can make mistakes when developing its web applications. Our article is intended to eliminate potential gaps in knowledge web developers. It is quite possible that you already know something, but I’ll be incredibly happy if you learn anything new. Today we learn about most popular exploits (with samples).

Security issues that made their list include:

  • SQL injections
  • Cross-site scripting/Cross-site Request Forgeries
  • Remote & local file inclusion
  • Displaying errors on production
  • Including .svn (or any version control meta) files in the production release
tagged: security vulnerability protection example


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