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Sameer Borate's Blog:
Amazon Advertising API BrowseNodes
Jan 02, 2012 @ 17:02:56

In this new post, Sameer Borate shows you how to use his Amazon BrowseNodes script to work with the returned data from the Amazon Advertising API.

The BrowseNodes tool automatically gets all the child BrowseNodes and their names. The program recursively traverses the BrowserNode hierarchy and returns all the BrowseNodes and their respective names. You can display the nodes on the console or save it to a CSV file. You can also include the library in your existing projects to process BrowseNodes.

You'll need curl support on your system to make it work. Several code examples are included showing how to grab a certain node, showing a list of nodes, saving the node information to a CSV, changing locales and getting the parent node for the current node.

tagged: amazon advertising browsenodes api interface


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