Lukas Smith has a new post to his blog today with his own take on the MicroPHP manifesto that was posted by Ed Finkler recently. Lukas shares his thoughts on when he sees each type of framework (micro/full stack) has its place and how the project or development team can influence this choice.
Ed's recent blog post labeled the The MicroPHP Manifesto got a lot of attention. [...] In general I totally agree with Ed on the point that we need more decoupled components in the PHP world. The timing seems a bit odd since exactly that seems to be an emerging trend with all the various libraries cropping up since PHP 5.3.
He gets into more of his thoughts comparing the recently popular microframeworks to the full stack, broad use case frameworks that try to provide everything you might need. He talks about the difference between them related to configuration over code and when he sees is a good shifting point to move from the simpler micro world to the full stack (hint: business logic).
So the key take a way point is that when choosing to go micro or full stack its very important to consider in what kind of company on what kind of products you are working on.