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Lorna Mitchell's Blog:
Building A RESTful PHP Server: Routing the Request
Jan 23, 2012 @ 17:14:11

Lorna Mitchell is back with a second installment in her "Building a RESTful PHP Server" series with this new post about handling and routing the incoming requests. (You can find the first part about working with the request here)

This is the second part of a series, showing how you might write a RESTful API using PHP. This part covers the routing, autoloading, and controller code for the service, and follows on from the first installment which showed how to parse the incoming request to get all the information you need.

She shows how to grab the controller name from the incoming request (based on her previous code), create the object for it and execute the requested action name. Also included is a sample autoloader and a basic controller - a UsersController with "getAction" and "postAction" methods for responding to GET and POST requests.

tagged: restful server tutorial request routing controller get post action


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