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PHP Closures as View Helpers: Lazy-Loading File Data
Jan 30, 2012 @ 19:08:28

In the second part of their look at using closures in PHP as view helpers, DevShed improves upon their original code by adding some additional classes and using them in the closures.

The best way to show you how using anonymous functions can help you to develop more efficient OO applications is with some functional, hands-on examples. With this idea in mind, in the installment that preceded this one, I implemented an extendable template system. This system could spawn view objects and render the template files associated with these objects.

In this second part of the (two-part) series they include "Serializer" and "FileHandler" classes and show how to use them inside of the closures to lazy-load in data from an external file and work with it as serialized content.

tagged: tutorial closure lazyload file serialize view helper


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