Marcelo Gornstein has a recent post to his blog about a method he's come up with to test your PHP-based IVR ("interactive voice response" systems for telephony) applications with the help of PAGI.
Since version 1.9.2, PAGI comes with a mock of a pagi client, suitable to be used in your own unit tests, so you can test your telephony applications, like IVRs. The idea behind the mocked client is to let you test the callflow side of your application, the user interaction and the exact sequence an ivr application should obey. Let's see how to use it.
He shows how to test a basic PAGI application by hooking in the PAGI client into his PHPUnit test for the app and the code coverage of the result. The MockedClientImpl client lets you test the application without having the external dependency of actually running it. He includes some examples of commands and how they'd be mocked out with this client as well as a handy list of the "on*" methods available (like "onDial" or "onSayAlpha").
You can find the complete source for everything in the article on his github account.