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Rob Allen's Blog:
Some ZendView examples
Mar 12, 2012 @ 15:52:48

Following on the heels of the beta 3 release of the Zend Framework 2, Rob Allen has been posting more about its features and what's changed from the version 1 world. In this new post he looks at some examples of how to use the newly refactored ZendView component.

With the release of Beta 3 of Zend Framework, we now have a significantly refactored the ZendView component. One of the changes made is that there is a ViewModel object that is returned from a controller which contains the variables to be used within the view script along with meta information such as the view script to render. [...] However, we can do many more interesting things than this and I've put together a test application with a controller showing some of the things that can be done.

Included in the post includes two snippets of code from the sample project - how to change the layout in the action and creating another view model at the layout level.

tagged: zendframework2 zendview sample application zf2


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