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Voices of the ElePHPant:
Interview with Chris Hartjes
Mar 14, 2012 @ 18:25:34

The Voices of the ElePHPant podcast has posted their latest episode - an interview with Chris Hartjes, author of the "The Grumpy Programmer's Guide To Building Testable PHP Applications", advocate of application testing and podcaster in his own right.

Cal's "three questions" for Chris revolve (mostly) around his testing emphasis:

  • Which unit testing framework do you recommend and why do you choose it over other options?
  • What is "enough" when it comes to testing your applications?
  • What's the biggest challenge you've faced in organizing a user group and how did you handle it?

You can listen to this latest episode either via downloading the mp3 directly.

tagged: voicesoftheelephpant podcast interview community chrishartjes


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