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Evan Coury's Blog:
Sharing a database connection across modules in Zend Framework 2
Apr 27, 2012 @ 14:54:56

Evan Coury has a new post to his site about a handy method for sharing database connections across modules in a Zend Framework application.

With the new modular infrastructure in Zend Framework 2, one of the most common questions will indoubitably be how to share a database connection across modules. Here’s a quick explanation of how to share your database connection across multiple modules in a way that can even allow you to use a single connection between ZendDb, Doctrine2, and possibly even other database libraries / ORMs.

He includes the code in the post to configure this application-wide database resource, a "masterdb_pdo" that uses a MySQL backend. This configuration is used to set up the connection in a dependency injection container for later (globalish) use. He also mentions something similar about sharing Doctrine connections with the ZendDb components (using the same DI container approach).

tagged: share database connection module application zenddb zenddi doctrine2


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