Greg Bulmash has started up a new site that's dedicated to the "tip of the day" sharing of PHP facts he finds out in the course of his development,
I started a daily PHP tip blog a couple of weeks ago, figuring the daily writing will keep me curious about programming. [...[ I've found that I learn things better when I have to absorb them well enough to explain them to someone else, so this site (and a couple others I'm starting up) are my attempt to just solidify my knowledge and push my skills. The goal of writing five brief tutorials about various functions, methods, or solutions each week is meant to force me to keep expanding my knowledge and to help me burn it into my brain. I hope others might find it useful.
So far he has posts about things like:
- Getting the raw POST contents on a request
- A series on creating a "meme" site (like the Cheezburger ones): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 & Part 4
- REST and Ajax
- Timing (benchmarking) your code
- Validating email addresses
There's lots of good content here, especially if you're a beginning developer and want to discover these helpful hints along with him.