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Till Klampaeckel's Blog:
Zend Framework: CRUD
May 22, 2012 @ 15:07:20

In this new post to his blog Till Klampaeckel shares a Zend Framework "base" controller that makes it easier to do the usual CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in an application.

I think it took me (or us) a couple attempts to get this right - let me introduce you to Zf_Crud, a CRUD controller for the Zend Framework. [...] Zf_Crud aims to provide you with an interface for any table possible — think of it as a phpMyAdmin more tailored towards your data and (thanks to Twitter Bootstrap and the Easybib_Form_Decorator) prettier!

He shows how to install and use it (via PEAR or Composer) and an example of a controller extending it. You can find the code here on github, ready to clone and try out.

tagged: zendframework crud controller base github zfcrud


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