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Symfony2... to Twig or not to Twig...
May 30, 2012 @ 16:32:30

In this recent post on Reddit.com a developer of a Symfony2 application asks, "to Twig or not to Twig for templating in his views.

Hey there... long time Symfony 1.x enthusiast here, finally getting my feed wet with Symfony2. I pose this question to the Symfony2 developers out there: Who's using Twig for templating? Why or why not?

The answers tange from the obvious "yes" and "no" options out to suggestions that even using templating languages are a bad idea. A few point out that the "separation of concerns" as a valid reason while others discount them by dismissing the "designers don't have to learn a language" myth that seems to still be so popular. There's also a few mentions of other templating projects like Smarty and Savant.

tagged: twig template opinion symfony2


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