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Nikita Popov's Blog:
What PHP 5.5 might look like
Jul 12, 2012 @ 17:42:16

Nikita Popov has looked ahead to the future of PHP in a new post to his blog , thinking about what PHP 5.5 might be like and what features could be included.

PHP 5.4 was released just four months ago, so it probably is a bit too early to look at the next PHP version. Still I’d like to give all the people who aren’t following the internals mailing list a small sneak peak at what PHP 5.5 might look like.

He's looking at the proposed functionality, not finalized features, so some of it might not make it in. He mentions things like:

  • Windows XP and 2003 support dropped
  • boolval()
  • hash_pbkdf2()
  • array_column()
  • Constant dereferencing
  • Parameter skipping
  • Scalar typehinting
tagged: future language features opinion rfc


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