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Database Interaction Made Easy with NotORM
Jul 19, 2012 @ 13:42:13

On PHPMaster.com today there's a new tutorial showing you how to use the NotORM tool to work with your database:

Object Relational Mappers (ORMs) are cool. They help you to rapidly create your application without worrying about writing raw SQL queries. The idea is to simplify database interaction and avoid possible errors in writing complex queries. In fact, modern ORMs can generate Models/Entities from the database, and vise versa. But the reality of working with any ORM is that using it is only simple if you already have experience using it. To make the most out of it, you should have a deep understanding of the concepts. And there’s a steep learning curve associated with any ORM.

They introduce you to the NotORM tool and guide you through some of the initial steps to help make this curve a little less steep. Their sample database contains book information (author, category, book detail, etc) with PDO making the connection (injected into the NotORM instance). They show how to do things like simple selects, filtering with "where", sort the results, doing joins and doing inserts.

tagged: database orm notorm library tutorial


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