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We Love PHP Blog:
Using V8 Javascript engine as a PHP extension
Jul 25, 2012 @ 16:50:36

From the "Web Love PHP" blog there's a new post showing how to use the V8 Javascript engine as a PHP extension in your application.

Just got to something described as: This extension embeds the V8 Javascript Engine into PHP. It is called v8js and the documentation is already available on php.net, examples and the sources are here. V8 is known to work well in browsers and webservers like node.js, but does it work inside PHP? YES!

They show how to get it installed (on Ubuntu) via a PECL install and a test script with some Javascript in a string variable that's parsed by the "executeString" function on a V8 object. There's also an example of how you can mix the functionality between the two - a simple script that uses a PHP PDO object fron inside the Javascript to perform a SQL query and set some information into the session.

tagged: v8 javascript extension integration tutorial


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