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Derick Rethans:
Derick's MongoDB tour
Aug 20, 2012 @ 16:56:17

If you're interested in hearing about MongoDB (and PHP) and are living on the southeast coast of the US, you're in luck - Derick Rethans is making a tour of the area and hitting several major user groups along the way.

It has been a while since I have written anything. In the last few months I have been busy rewriting the connection handling parts of the MongoDB driver for PHP. [...] Some time ago, my friend Ligaya Turmelle suggested that I should come and talk at the JaxPHP/JaxWeb, the PHP and web developers usergroup in Jacksonville, Florida. And while I was there, why not visit a few other user groups too?

From September 18th through the 24th, he'll be visiting the following cities (and bringing swag with him):

  • Boca Raton, Florida
  • Orlando, Florida
  • Jacksonville, Floria
  • Atlanta, Georgia
  • Nashville, Tennessee
tagged: mongodb usergroup tour derickrethans florida georgia tennessee


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