Recent releases from the Packagist:
- mparaiso/routeconfigserviceprovider (0.0.23)
Route config file support for Silex framework
- openlss/lib-tpl (0.0.13, 0.0.12)
Wrapper library for managing PHPTAL environment. Also supports HTML Tidy formatting.
- onemightyroar/php-paulus-components (0.9.3)
Components to enhance Paulus projects to enable quicker, more structured REST API's
- voda/date-input (1.0.1)
HTML 5 compatible date / time input field for Nette.
- sweikenb/php-library (2.2.0)
Some useful (and mostly decoupled) php classes for common tasks.
- intervention/image (1.3.11)
Image handling and manipulation library with support for Laravel 4 integration
- segmentio/analytics-php (0.4.2)
Segmentio Analytics PHP Library
- chronon/bootstrap (2.3.1)
Twitter Bootstrap packaged as a CakePHP plugin.
- php-unoconv/php-unoconv (0.2.0)
Unoconv PHP, an Object Oriented library for easy file conversion with LibreOffice's unoconv
- phundament/p3pages (0.10.6)
Page Manager
- mparaiso/doctrineormserviceprovider (0.0.19, 0.0.18)
Doctrine ORM for Silex
- csanquer/twig-extra-bundle (0.1)
Twig Extra Extensions Bundle
- alchemy/binary-driver (1.3.4, 1.3.3, 1.3.2)
A set of tools to build binary drivers
- lilweb/job-bundle (0.1.0)
Performing asynchronous jobs with Symfony2
- uam/amazon-pa-bundle (0.1.1)
Amazon Product Advertising API Bundle
- matear/cliptools (v0.5.1)
Cliptools es una libreria que permite interactuar y crear aplicaciones PHP para correr en consola
- lfnds/sdk (1.2.3, 1.2.2)
PHP SDK for the elefunds API.
- paypal/rest-api-sdk-php (v0.6.0)
PayPal's PHP SDK for REST APIs
- sammaye/mongoyii (1.1.0)
A Yii MongoDB ORM
- desarrolla2/rss-client-bundle (v2.0.1)
This Bundle provides a way to get rss feeds friendly.
- br0sk/yiiron (1.0.4)
Yiiron is a Yii extension that integrates the services of in the Yii Famework
- desarrolla2/rss-client (v2.0.3)
A simple to use RSS client library.
- desarrolla2/cache (v1.3.1-stable)
Provides an cache interface for several adapters (Apc, File, Mongo, Memcached, Mysql, ... )
- jdolieslager/fetranslator (v0.1.2, v0.1.1)
ZF2 Module for translating routematches and messages
- checkdomain/upload-manager-bundle (0.0.1)
Asynchron multiupload form type and service for Symfony2
- paypal/sdk-core-php (v1.4.0)
PayPal Core SDK for PHP
- amg-dev/amg-sentry-plugin (1.1.0)
Symfony 1.x plugin for Sentry.
- mikehaertl/phpwkhtmltopdf (1.1.5)
A slim PHP wrapper around wkhtmltopdf with an easy to use and clean OOP interface