On PHPMaster.com today there's a new post from Daniel Gafitescu that compares CodeIgniter (an "old standby" in the PHP framework world) and Laravel, a relative newcomer. The article is broken up into a few different categories, with some sample code included to illustrate.
n the beginning of my career I stumble upon CodeIgniter and I love it for its simplicity, small footprint, and good documentation. [...] But last year, because of the Twitter buzz from some in the PHP community, blog posts, and the suggestions of some friends, I give Laravel 3 a try – and since that time I’ve never looked back. So, in this article I’d like to present a comparison of the two frameworks from my point of view.
He compares the two frameworks based on things like the requirements to get them installed, how they handle creating REST APIs, the general organization of their code (and your code using them) as well as command line support. There's a "miscellaneous" section that talks about some of the smaller differences and a (very) brief mention of the communities for each.