Recent releases from the Packagist:
- mjohnson/decoda (6.0.2)
A lightweight lexical string parser for BBCode styled markup.
- paulredmond/chosen-cakephp (2.0.9, 2.1.4)
Chosen CakePHP plugin for CakePHP 2
- rah/danpu (2.0.1, 1.0.0)
MySQL database dump and restoration tool implemented in PHP
- mparaiso/simpleuserserviceprovider (0.0.14, 0.0.13)
Simple User management for Silex intended to mimic FOSUserBundle features, work in progress , not production ready yet !
- sammaye/mongoyii (1.2.35, 1.2.3)
A Yii MongoDB ORM
- mjohnson/uploader (4.0.14)
File uploader and validation plugin for CakePHP.
- mparaiso/doctrineodmserviceprovider (0.0.11, 0.0.10)
Doctrine ODM service provider for Silex
- mparaiso/crudserviceprovider (0.0.12)
CRUD helper Silex framework
- kdyby/autowired (v0.9.1, v0.9)
Syntax sugar for working with services in Nette Framework
- pixel418/markdownify (v2.1.3)
The HTML to Markdown converter for PHP
- tfox/mpdf-port-bundle (1.1.0)
A wrapper for mPDF class which allows to use mPDF in Symfony2 projects
- alchemy/binary-driver (1.4.0)
A set of tools to build binary drivers
- zweifisch/zf (v0.2.2, v0.2.1, v0.2.0)
a micro php web/cli framework/router
- toddish/verify (v2.0.1, v2.0.0)
A simple authentication bundle for Laravel 4. It features roles, permissions, password salting and is fully extendable.
- ajt/guzzle-asana (0.9.2)
Asana API client written on top of Guzzle PHP.
- doctrine/dbal (2.4.0-BETA2, 2.3.4)
Database Abstraction Layer
- hiraku/xml_builder (1.0.11)
Simple DSL for building XML
- doctrine/orm (2.3.4)
Object-Relational-Mapper for PHP