Recent releases from the Packagist:
- mandrill/mandrill (1.0.30)
API client library for the Mandrill email as a service platform
- sabre/vobject (3.0.0-alpha3)
The VObject library for PHP allows you to easily parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard objects
- pinano/datatables-bundle (1.9.4)
Symfony2 bundle for wrapping the famous dataTables jquery plugin by SpryMedia
- pinano/select2-bundle (3.4.0)
Symfony2 bundle for wrapping the famous select2 jquery plugin by @ivaynberg
- phundament/p3widgets (0.11.8)
Widget Manager
- simplon/db (1.2.3)
Simplon DB Libraries
- kr4y/profiler (1.0.2)
Profiler for Laravel 4
- zweifisch/zf (v0.2.9)
a micro php web/cli framework/router
- phundament/p3pages (0.11.8)
Page Manager
- patchwork/utf8 (v1.1.8)
UTF-8 strings handling for PHP 5.3: portable, performant and extended
- piwik/piwik (1.12-b19)
Open Source Real Time Web Analytics Platform
- gocardless/gocardless (0.4.1)
The PHP client library for the GoCardless API
- hostnet/form-twig-bridge (0.5)
Allows usage of the Symfony 2 form framework, rendered in twig, without using all of Symfony 2!
- simplon/helper (0.6.0, 0.5.11)
General helpers which come-in helpful.
- gabriel403/g403-session-db (1.0.2)
Extension to ZF2 to allow sessions to be stored in the database.
- willdurand/expose-translation-bundle (0.3.0)
A pretty nice way to expose your translation messages to your JavaScript.
- vojtech-dobes/nette-forms-gpspicker (v1.0.7)
Google Maps based picker of coordinates for Nette Framework.
- mjohnson/uploader (4.0.15)
File uploader and validation plugin for CakePHP.