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Aura Framework Blog:
A Peek At Aura v2 -- Aura.Router
Nov 19, 2013 @ 18:12:05

On the Aura Framework blog, they continue their look ahead at the coming version of another of the framework's components, the Aura v2 Router. The Aura framework is a decoupled, modular framework that focuses on minimizing dependencies.

Lately, we’ve been going over the migration of v2 packages from v1. Today, I’ll talk about the updated Aura.Router v2 package. While not an example of extracting a new package from an existing one, it has a couple of features that other routers don’t currently have, in addition to being truly independent and completely decoupled from any other package.

They focus on some of the basics (more detailed information can be found on the package page) of the package's new features and its focus on routing rather than dispatching. Sample code is included showing it in use. The examples show basic routing, routing by server values and attaching route groups. There's also a brief section about adding REST routes via an "attachResource" method call.

tagged: aura framework component spotlight router

Link: http://auraphp.com/blog/2013/11/18/aura-v2-router/

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