Recent releases from the Packagist:
- titon/view (0.5.0)
The Titon view package provides template handling with the use of a rendering engine and helpers.
- mediawiki/semantic-media-wiki (
MediaWiki extension that lets you store and query structured data within wiki pages
- hrevert/ht-profile-image (, 1.0.3, 1.0.2)
A Zend framework module which adds profile image upload functionality to ZfcUser
- thefold/lib (20140106.2, 20140106.1)
Library for TheFold
- cangelis/l4pdf (1.0.6)
Yet another HTML to PDF Converter for Laravel4
- cangelis/pdf (1.0.0)
Yet another HTML to PDF Converter based on wkhtmltopdf
- titon/g11n (0.11.0)
The Titon g11n package handles the localization and internationalization of your application.
- titon/cache (0.6.0)
The Titon cache package provides a data caching layer that supports multiple storage engines.
- ddesrosiers/silex-annotation-provider (v0.2.0)
A silex service provider that allows the use of annotations in ServiceControllers.
- titon/env (0.10.0)
The Titon environment package provides multiple environment configuration and bootstrapping support.
- mindscape/raygun4php (1.3.2) client for PHP 5.3, to send errors and exceptions automatically.
- titon/route (0.10.0)
The Titon route package adds support for dynamic route handling and mapping.
- titon/common (0.10.0)
The Titon common package provides global functionality like class traits and augmentation as well as dependency and configuration management.
- friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle (1.5.2)
A pretty nice way to expose your Symfony2 routing to client applications.
- bllim/datatables (v1.3.3)
Server-side handler of DataTables Jquery Plugin for Laravel 4
- ddeboer/data-import (0.5.0)
Import data from, and export data to, a range of file formats and media
- kristofferhagen/simplexml2flatarray (2.0.0)
Converts an XML document to several flat arrays containing values from parent elements using SimpleXML
- dcarbone/dom-plus (1.1.4)
A DOMDocument class wrapper that adds some simple improvements
- riimu/kit-phpencoder (v1.3.0)
Library for generating PHP code for variables.
- andheiberg/image (1.0.0)
Image processing library with on the fly processing of image requests.
- tigefa4u/ (v2.1.0, v3.0.0)
tigefa jekyll template site
- dispatch/dispatch (3.3.2)
a microframework/front-controller
- laravel/framework (v4.1.12)
The Laravel Framework.
- webcms2/webcms2 (v0.3.1, v0.3.0)
WebCMS2 content management system for Nette framework. This package contains system libraries and admin module.
- webcms2/news-module (v0.2.4)
WebCMS2 news module.
- webcms2/guestbook-module (v0.2.3)
WebCMS2 guestbook module.
- webcms2/page-module (v0.2.1)
WebCMS2 page module.
- behat/gherkin (v4.0.0)
Gherkin DSL parser for PHP 5.3
- jeremykendall/password-validator (1.1.0-beta)
Password Validator validates password_hash generated passwords, rehashes passwords as necessary, and will upgrade legacy passwords.
- nwidart/db-exporter (0.5)
Export your database quickly and easely as a Laravel Migration and all the data as a Seeder class.
- phpspec/nyan-formatters (1.0.0)
PHPSpec Nyan Formatter Extension
- jenssegers/mongodb (v1.1.2)
A MongoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel 4
- cardvs/oauth2-server-storage (1.0.4, 1.0.3)
Storage oauth2 server implementation for league/oauth2-server
- shkm/jsend (v1.2.0)
A simple PHP implementation of the JSend specification.
- yupe/yupe (0.6-beta-2)
Yupe is simple and lightweight CMF for web-development, built on top of Yii
- drealecs/thread-worker (v1.0.3-alpha, v1.0.2-alpha, v1.0.1-alpha)
PHP Thread Worker library
- gzero/eloquent-base-model (v0.1)
Eloquent Base Model is eloquent ORM model for inheritance.
- pomo/pomo (v1.1)
Gettext library to translate with I18n
- gzero/eloquent-tree (v0.3)
Eloquent Tree is a tree model for Laravel Eloquent ORM.
- wei/wei (0.9.9-RC1)
A micro-framework provided powerful and simple APIs for faster and easier PHP 5.3+ development.
- widget/widget (0.9.9-RC1)
A micro-framework provided powerful and simple APIs for faster and easier PHP 5.3+ development.