Recent releases from the Packagist:
- vihuvac/blueprint-bundle (1.0.0)
Symfony SonataBluePrintBundle
- evolution7/grunt-usemin-bundle (0.3.1)
The GruntUseminBundle provides a Twig extension for using files processed with grunt-usemin when in production.
- acquia/acquia-sdk-php (0.6.0)
The Acquia SDK for PHP allows developers to build applications on top of Acquia services.
- orchestra/testbench (v2.1.1)
Laravel 4 Package Unit Testing Helper
- 99designs/phumbor (0.1.3)
A minimal Thumbor library for PHP
- mixpanel/mixpanel-php (2.6.1, 2.6, 2.5)
The Official PHP library for Mixpanel
- packfire/fuelblade (1.2.2)
Packfire FuelBlade - Dependency Injection / IoC library for PHP
- makesites/kisscms (2.1.0)
Content Management made Simple
- symfonycontrib/link-button-bundle (v1.0.0)
Symfony2 form button as a link (ex. Cancel action).
- guzzle/guzzle (v3.8.1)
Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library and framework for building RESTful web service clients
- guzzle/stream (v3.8.1)
Guzzle stream wrapper component
- imsaintx/utils (1.0.1)
A useful, convenient and practical developer tool box.
- mmoreram/gearman-bundle (v2.3.3)
Adds gearman support to your Symfony2 project
- phy/cache-bundle (0.0.7, 0.0.6, 0.0.5)
Cache Bundle for Symfony2 that supports APC, Memcache, Memcached, Local, and Disk storage.
- webcook/doctrine (v1.0.0)
Doctrine 2 ORM and Migrations addon for Nette Framework
- pekkis/queue (v0.2.0)
Queue abstraction library
- thadafinser/zfc-datagrid (0.8.0)
Zend Framework 2 Module that provides a datagrid for different datasources and output formats
- dkplus/action-arguments (1.0)
Provides the ability to use variable action arguments.
- dotblue/mandrill (v1.2.0)
OO wrapper above Mandrill API for sending e-mails
- index0h/yii-phar (0.0.1)
Phar builder based on Yii2
- comnect/console (0.1.9)
php cli application package(kernel)
- comnect/consoler (0.1.6)
php cli application package
- ticketevolution/ticketevolution-php (2.1.2)
A PHP 5.3+ library for the Ticket Evolution API.
- jfelder/oracledb (0.3.0)
Oracle DB driver for Laravel 4
- libra/twitter-bootstrap-assets (3.0.3, 3.0.2, 3.0.1)
Twitter Bootstrap assets for ZF2 projects
- gourmet/common (0.1.2)
Gourmet Common Plugin for rapid CakePHP application development.
- ac/kalinka-bundle (0.1.0)
Flexible authorization for your Symfony2 app
- dispatch/dispatch (4.0.2)
a microframework/front-controller
- ajgon/lint-pack (v1.1.0, v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Various linters for your Symfony2 project
- spescina/timthumb (1.0.0)
An image proxy for Laravel
- spescina/seorules (1.2.0)
A tool for building seo rules in your Laravel projects
- marcelog/pami (1.70.2)
Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) client for PHP, event driven, object oriented
- php-console/laravel-service-provider (1.1)
Service provider for integration PHP Console library with Laravel framework
- prelude/prelude-dsn (0.1.4)
Dsn, pain-less adapter for PDO configuration
- candycms/core (4.0.5)
Core elements for candyCMS.
- asm/markdown-content-bundle (v0.1)
Symfony2 bundle for static markdown-file content management
- php-console/php-console (3.1)
Server side PHP library for Google Chrome extension "PHP Console".
- kinglozzer/yepnopesilverstripe (2.0.2)
A simple way of adding files to yepnope.js in SilverStripe
- ianbogda/cssqueeze (1.3.0)
Efficient CSS minification in PHP
- metamodels/core (1.0.9)
MetaModels core
- webignition/node-jslint-wrapper (0.2.3,, 0.2.2)
Wrapper for the nodejs jslint wrapper. I heard you liked wrappers ...
- juizmill/zend-pdo (v0.07)
Módulo que trabalha direto com PDO em conjunto com ZF 2
- openbuildings/promotions (0.3.4)
Promotions for Purchases
- codeconsortium/ccdn-forum-bundle (2.0.3)
CCDN Forum Bundle
- kompas/oauth2-client (0.3)
OAuth 2.0 Client Library
- metamodels/filter_tags (1.0.2)
MetaModels tags filter
- metamodels/filter_select (1.0.2)
MetaModels select filter
- codeconsortium/ccdn-user-bundle (2.0.3)
CCDN User Bundle
- codeconsortium/ccdn-user-profile-bundle (2.0.3)
CCDN User Profile Bundle
- codeconsortium/ccdn-user-admin-bundle (2.0.3)
CCDN User Admin Bundle
- codeconsortium/ccdn-message-bundle (2.0.3)
CCDN Message Bundle
- codeconsortium/ccdn-component-dashboard-bundle (2.0.3)
CCDN Component Dashboard Bundle
- codeconsortium/ccdn-component-common-bundle (2.0.3)
CCDN Component Common Bundle
- turnaev/ext-data-grid-bundle (v1.1.2)
Symfony2 Datagrid Bundle
- elao/form-translation-bundle (1.0.0)
Generate translation key for forms
- openbuildings/jam-tart (0.2.32)
Admin Builder for Kohana, using Jam ORM
- tpc2/phprack (1.1)
Light framework for automation of integration tests
- jamesmoss/flywheel (0.3.1)
A lightweight, flat-file, document database
- turnaev/dev-generator-tool-bundle (v1.1.7)
Console tool bundle for Symfony 2.2+
- bakame/csv (3.3.0)
A simple library to easily load, manipulate and save CSV files in PHP 5.4+
- statuspage/statuspage-sdk-php (v0.1) helps you to create a status page of your app or website.
- testomato/apimato (v2.2)
Testomato API tools
- patchwork/jsqueeze (v1.0)
Efficient JavaScript minification in PHP
- 0k/php-oe-json (0.0.2)
OpenERP Json query
- etechnika/idna-convert (1.0.2) idna-convert
- titon/db (0.10.1)
The Titon database package provides a basic database abstraction layer and an object relational mapper.
- titon/db-mongodb (0.4.2)
Provides MongoDB database access for the Titon database package.
- elementtree/elementtree (0.5.0)
simple PHP XML-like tree