Recent releases from the Packagist:
- dzangocart/dzangocart-bundle (0.1.5)
Symfony 2 bundle for dzangocart
- five-say/vendor-cleaner (1.0.0)
- davispeixoto/testingtool (1.0.0)
Laravel 4 tests generator
- irestful/concreteusersetretrievercriterias (13.11.28)
- jakeasmith/http_build_url (0.0.1)
Provides functionality for http_build_url() to projects without pecl_http.
- irestful/concreteuserretrievercriterias (13.11.28)
- camspiers/bench (0.1.0)
- lasso/oauth2-client-bundle (v0.0.3)
Access APIs protected by the oauth2 authentication scheme
- maglnet/magl-markdown (1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.0)
Provides a ZF2 View Helper to render markdown syntax
- condenast/pangea (0.0.6)
- rhumsaa/uuid (2.7.1)
A PHP 5.3+ library for generating RFC 4122 version 1, 3, 4, and 5 universally unique identifiers (UUID).
- tyler-sommer/nice (0.2.3, 0.2.2, 0.2.1, 0.2.0, 0.1.0)
A nice PHP microframework
- foobugs-standards/php54to55 (v2.0-alpha1)
Php54to55 tests PHP 5.4 application for 5.5 compatibility through PHP_CodeSniffer.
- irestful/concreteuserpartialsets (13.11.28)
- dreamfactory/azure-sdk-for-php (,, 0.4.0)
This project provides a set of PHP client libraries that make it easy to access Windows Azure tables, blobs, queues, service runtime and service management APIs.
- metaphor/documentor (v0.7.0)
Simple comment based documentation generator tool
- pear/mail_mime-decode (, 1.5.5)
More info available on:
- arsenetar/mellt-php (1.0.0)
Mellt password strength checker.
- irestful/concreteuserlists (13.11.28)
- philipsharp/slim-view-plates (v1.0.0)
Custom Slim Framework view for the Plates template system
- irestful/concreteusersets (13.11.28)
- nerdery/csv-bundle (v0.0.2)
Symfony bundle for handling CSV files.
- backstrap/backstrap (0.0.1-alpha.1)
The Backstrap JavaScript library provides a layer of functionality tying together Bootstrap and Backbone.
- fol/core (v1.3.2, v1.3.1)
The core of FOL framework
- irestful/concreteusers (13.11.28)
- dcarbone/soap-plus (0.2.4)
PHP SoapClient wrapper class
- uecode/qpush-bundle (1.1.2)
Asynchronous processing for Symfony using Push Queues
- indieweb/comments (0.1.0)
- mmanos/laravel-casset (1.1.1)
An asset management package for Laravel 4.
- emailbidding/advertiser-client-php (v1.0.1, v1.0)
Advertiser client
- juizmill/zf-test (v0.01)
Módulo de testes em ZF 2 baseado no curso da School of Net
- embed/embed (v1.3.3)
PHP library to retrieve page info using oembed, opengraph, etc
- rzekanet/service-akismet (v1.1.1)
Small library to access Akismet API
- rzeka/akismet-api (v1.1.1)
Small library to access Akismet API
- dcarbone/curl-plus (0.2.3)
Object wrapper for PHP's CURL Library
- irestful/slugs (13.11.28)
- fbf/laravel-places (v0.1.0)
A Laravel 4 package to add place listings to a site, e.g. bars, restaurants or hotels
- jacobkiers/oauth (1.0.10)
Based on Andy Smith's basic PHP library for OAuth 1.0a
- wilmoore/attributes.php (0.1.2, 0.1.1)
minimal object attributes for PHP.
- csanquer/colibri-csv (v1.0.3, v1.0.2)
Lightweight and performant CSV reader and writer library
- parm/parm (1.4.0)
Active Record ORM with closures and web interface
- itlized/social (v2.1.1.1)
Social Bundle For Symfony based on HybridAuth
- umbrella/simpletablereport (v1.2.0)
PHP Simple Table Report. Export data as tables to PDF, CSV, Excel, etc...
- cargomedia/cm (1.3.20)
- akeneo/batch-bundle (0.1.1)
Akeneo Batch Bundle
- fbf/laravel-events (v0.1.0)
A Laravel 4 package to add events listings to a site
- fm/feeder (v0.0.6)
Library containing functions to download, parse, transform and export different types of feeds.
- openbuildings/jam-tart (0.2.36)
Admin Builder for Kohana, using Jam ORM
- kphoen/doctrine-state-machine (1.0.3)
Doctrine2 state machine behavior
- jolicode/jolici (v0.2.0)
Run your tests on your local computer on different application stack
- outlandish/rest-bundle (v1.0)
Provides a REST-like API for the Doctrine entities in a Symfony application.
- imsamurai/active-record-for-cakephp (1.1.1)
Implementation of active record for CakePHP
- corneltek/configkit (1.5.0)
- graham-campbell/binput (v1.0.1)
Binput Is An Input Protector For Laravel 4.1
- sonata-project/block-bundle (2.2.11)
Symfony SonataBlockBundle
- malenki/argile (3.0)
CLI app now easy when using args!
- jowy/softlayer-message-queue-php (0.1)
Software Message Queue PHP Wrapper
- pugx/i18n-bundle (v4.0.1)
Manage i18n
- keboola/storage-api-client (2.8.31, 2.9.3, 2.9.2)
Keboola Storage API PHP CLient
- claroline/front-end-bundle (1.0.11)
Front-end dependencies bundle for Claroline 2.0
- igor822/loggy (0.0.1)
This is a simple logger in php to log applications.
- etrepat/basset (v4.0.3)
A better asset management package for Laravel.
- klausi/coder (7.2.2)
Coder is a library and a module to review Drupal code.
- fm/keystone-bundle (v0.3.1)
A Symfony2 implementation of the OpenStack Identity Service API A.K.A. Keystone
- pomo/pomo (1.2.1)
Gettext library to translate with I18n
- adclick/leadoffice-api (1.0.0)
Accelerators to communicate with LeadOffice APIs
- desmart/response-exception (1.1.0)
Response exception for Laravel4
- bossa/phpspec2-expect (1.0.2)
Helper that decorates any SUS with a phpspec lazy object wrapper
- matycz/lemo-grid (1.0.1)
- phpoffice/phpexcel (1.8.0rc3, 1.8.0rc2)
PHPExcel - OpenXML - Read, Create and Write Spreadsheet documents in PHP - Spreadsheet engine
- phpspec/phpspec (2.0.0-RC4)
Specification-oriented BDD framework for PHP 5.3+
- happyr/user-project-bundle (0.2.0)
If you have multiple users that will share access to one or more objects.
- kohkimakimoto/site-generator (v0.1.0)
A simple static site generator.
- simplesamlphp/saml2 (v0.4.0)
SAML2 PHP library from SimpleSAMLphp
- menatwork/geoprotection (1.1.3)
Hide or display content elements for selected countries
- menatwork/geolocationredirect (1.0.2)
Flexible URL-based redirection with setting geo information automatically
- iphp/core-bundle (v0.1.14)
Bundle for creating modules and site structure in symfony 2.1 project
- asika/php-code-generator (0.1.1)
PHP Code generator
- tmquang/phalcon-ext (0.1)
Phalcon Extension Module for easy to develop website
- bernard/juno (1.0.3)
Web application for Bernard. Offers introspection, api and monitoring.
- zend-patterns/zendservernagiosplugin (2.0.0-alpha)
Zend Server Nagios pugin
- doctrine/doctrine-mongo-odm-module (0.8.0)
Zend Framework 2 Module that provides Doctrine MongoDB ODM functionality
- devture/silex-user-bundle (5.2.2)
Silex bundle that provides user management, authentication and authorization.
- fsi/property-observer (0.9.2)
FSi PropertyObserver component is a simple component which tracks changes in registered object's properties.
- xsolla/xsolla-sdk-php (v1.0.0)
Xsolla SDK for PHP. Xsolla is the authorized reseller and merchant providing e-commerce services for online games.
- siphoc/pdf-bundle (1.2.3)
Siphoc PDF Bundle for Symfony2
- orchestra/foundation (v2.1.4)
Orchestra Platform 2 Foundation Component
- gs/simple-ocr (0.1.3)
Simple OCR with PHP
- anlutro/l4-controller (0.1.6)
Base Laravel 4 controller classes.
- helthe/api-security-bundle (1.0.0)
Helthe API Security bundle for Symfony 2
- companion/project (0.0.7)
Manage your projects
- irestful/userapplications (13.11.28)