Recent releases from the Packagist:
- codeguy/component-example (1.0.2, 1.0.0)
An example PHP component
- irestful/concretemethodmetadatarepresentations (13.11.28)
- adrexia/standardsediting (1.0.2)
Extensions to provide standards based editing for Silverstripe
- irestful/concreteclassmetadatarepresentations (13.11.28)
- irestful/concretepropertymetadatarepresentations (13.11.28)
- maxwell2022/oauth-client (v1.1)
- watson/active (1.0.4)
Laravel 4 helper for recognising the current route, controller and action
- vihuvac/user-bundle (2.2.4)
Symfony SonataUserBundle
- vihuvac/seo-bundle (1.1.6)
Symfony SonataSeoBundle
- vihuvac/markitup-bundle (2.1.0)
Symfony SonataMarkItUpBundle
- lazy/lazy (2.1.7)
- vihuvac/jquery-bundle (1.9.1)
Symfony SonatajQueryBundle
- vihuvac/intl-bundle (2.2.1)
Symfony SonataIntlBundle
- polycademy/sslcreator (1.0.0)
Create Multi-Domain Self-Signed SSL Certificates
- vihuvac/google-authenticator (1.0.1)
Library to integrate Google Authenticator into a PHP project
- vihuvac/formatter-bundle (2.3.1)
Symfony SonataFormatterBundle
- vihuvac/exporter (1.3.3)
Lightweight Exporter library
- luracast/restler (3.0.0-RC5, 3.0.0, 3.0.0-RC4)
Restler is a simple and effective multi-format Web API Server framework written in PHP. Just deal with your business logic in php, Restler will take care of the REST!
- irestful/methodmetadatarepresentations (13.11.28)
- irestful/classmetadatarepresentations (13.11.28)
- irestful/propertymetadatarepresentations (13.11.28)
- vihuvac/easy-extends-bundle (2.1.6)
Symfony SonataEasyExtendsBundle
- lightster/lstr-silex (v0.0.5)
Lstr/Silex Quick-start Library
- vihuvac/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle (2.2.7)
Symfony Sonata / Integrate Doctrine ORM into the SonataAdminBundle
- vihuvac/doctrine-extensions (1.0.2)
Doctrine2 behavioral extensions
- dominionenterprises/memoize (v0.1.2, v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
A library for memoizing repeated function calls.
- cpliakas/php-project-starter (0.2.8)
A command line tool that allows developers to quickly create PHP applications that use common conventions and best-in-breed development tools.
- indatus/ranger (0.7.0)
This package adds some power to your api rest server by allowing you to specify joins and eager loaded associations using http query parameters
- vihuvac/cache-bundle (2.1.6)
This bundle provides caching services
- vihuvac/cache (1.0.1)
Cache library
- krakjoe/promises (v1.0.2)
Promises in PHP using pthreads v1.0.0+
- bkwld/library (2.7.3)
Misc PHP code
- suramon/itertools (1.5.3, 1.5.2)
Iterators implemented in PHP, copy-pasted from Python
- opis/http-routing (2.0.3)
Extendable and fully serializable HTTP routing library for PHP 5.3+
- mgargano/rotoworld (0.1.2)
Composer package that parses Rotoworld's DOM for news stories
- etra/flash-notices (1.0)
Symfony bundle FlashBag+bootstrap alerts
- zurb/foundation (v5.2.1)
The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world.
- bitweb/stdlib (1.0.0)
BitWeb library for standard functions.
- webignition/cookie-domain-matcher (0.1)
For cookie domain and hostname comparisons
- clippings/env-backup (0.2.0, 0.1)
Backup/restore environment variables: globals, static vars, configs
- jarednova/timber (0.17.0)
Plugin to write WordPress themes w Object-Oriented Code and the Twig Template Engine
- cvweiss/zlibrary (v0.2.3, v0.2.2)
Library of classes to simplify various tasks
- laravel/dbfactory (4.1.8)
A DB Factory wrapper implementation for Eloquent models in the Laravel Framework.
- samvaughton/ldt (0.1.0)
Laravel 4 DataTables library to handle the server-side calls.
- rollbar/rollbar (v0.6.4)
Monitors errors and exceptions and reports them to Rollbar
- yandex-money/yandex-money-sdk-php (1.2.5, 1.2.6)
Yandex.Money API SDK for PHP
- diemuzi/mp3 (1.1.3)
MP3 Player
- richardsjoqvist/silverstripe-blocks (1.2.1)
Blocks is a generic class which can be used to build small content blocks which can be associated globally or with a specific page.
- eventhorizon/assets-bundle (v1.0)
- irestful/concreteclassmetadatarepositories (13.11.28)
- euantorano/validation (1.0.3, 1.0.2)
Validation as a service using Laravel's Validation class.
- condenast/pangea (0.0.27, 0.0.26, 0.0.25)
- apinstein/shell-command (v1.0.7)
A generic wrapper for execution of shell command to make it easy to horizontally scale such work.
- stefano/stefano-db (1.3.1)
Db Modul extend Zend Framework 2
- anh/sape-php-client (v1.2.0)
PHP client for
- irestful/concretemethodmetadatas (13.11.28)
- escapework/laravelhelpers (0.6.1)
Some Laravel 4 helpers to enjoy even more development
- icodr8/contao-translation-fields (1.3.3)
Translation fields for Contao OpenSource CMS
- zaphpa/zaphpa (v1.0.0)
Intuitive, flexible and powerful HTTP router.
- onemightyroar/php-activerecord-components (1.0.14)
Useful common components for a php-activerecord based project
- way/generators (2.6, 2.5)
- lstrojny/phpunit-clever-and-smart (0.5.0)
A clever test runner for PHPUnit
- zacharyrankin/douglas (v1.1.0)
Douglas PHP library for running Jasper Reports using their report REST API (v2)
- faclib/base (v0.1.0)
PHP Base functions
- 3gtelecoms/hlrcheck (v0.0.2)
SDK for
- jeroen-g/activity-logger (v1.0.2, v1.0.1)
An activity logger for Laravel.
- ryannielson/meta (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
A Laravel 4 package that makes it easy to add meta tags to your views.
- machuga/authority-l4 (2.2.0)
A simple and flexible authorization system for PHP
- wikibase/data-model (0.7.2)
PHP implementation of the Wikibase DataModel
- mikehaertl/phpwkhtmltopdf (1.2.3)
A slim PHP wrapper around wkhtmltopdf with an easy to use and clean OOP interface
- sweelix/curl (1.1.0)
PHP 5.3+ simple curl requestor
- zendframework/zend-stdlib (2.3.0)
- playsms/webservices (1.0.1)
playSMS Webservices Class. playSMS is a free and open source SMS portal software.
- stefanotorresi/my-base (1.1.2)
A general purpose ZF2 module that provides miscellaneous classes
- mybuilder/phpunit-accelerator (v1.0.0)
PHPUnit accelerator
- kunstmaan/node-bundle (v2.3.6)
All websites need pages(we call them nodes) but you probably don't want to spend too much time building them. Plus they should look pretty and contain the right content and that takes time. We make sure you have to spend less time managing your pages but still offer you flexibility so you can focus on more important tasks and don't have to worry about it.
- jeroen-g/laravel-pages (v1.0.1)
Simple pages package for Laravel 4.1
- laracasts/utilities (1.0)
Transform your PHP to JavaScript
- spindle/types (v0.0.3)
Basic types for PHP object system
- netglue/zf2-akismet-module (0.1.0)
ZF2 module that provides an Akismet service and validator
- fol/core (v1.7.0)
The core of FOL framework
- fol/fol (v1.7.0)
PHP framework
- akeneo/custom-entity-bundle (v1.0.0)
Akeneo PIM Excel connector bundle
- mollie/opencart (5.1.1)
Mollie module for OpenCart
- jonlil/ckfinder-bundle (2.2.0, 2.1.6)
- app-zap/payment (0.0.1)
- imsamurai/cakephp-advancedshell (1.1.0)
Advanced feutures for cakePHP shell
- nercury/translation-editor-bundle (v0.1.3)
Translation editor form. Defines a form type to edit localized object translations.
- kisma/kisma (0.2.32)
PHP Utility Belt
- edgedesign/preformat-for-texy-bundle (0.3)
This bundle provides filters, that can transform given content in various ways.
- nekman/luhn-algorithm (1.0.0)
Implementation of the Luhn algorithm in PHP. Used in validation of credit card numbers and some national identification numbers.
- krusemedien/ldap (0.1.0)
LDAP addon for SallyCMS
- imsamurai/daterange (1.1.0)
Utility for manage datetime range
- keboola/syrup (1.2.4)
Syrup - Concentrated extract(or)s
- mgargano/custom-widget (0.1.0)
Custom widgets!
- dosomething/messagebroker-phplib (0.1.11)
A library of functionality shared between the components that make up the Message Broker system.
- theodenhollander/docdatapayments (3.0.2, 3.0.1)
PHP Docdata Payments is a (wrapper)class to communicate with Docdata Payments.
- lorenzo/cakephp-email-queue (1.0.0)
Queue, preview and and send emails stored in the database
- ujjwal/currency-converter (1.1.1)
Currency Converter Class with features of caching and identifying currency from country Code
- friendsofsymfony/advanced-encoder-bundle (v1.1.0)
Symfony2 bundle adding a way to specify the encoder on a user instance basis
- se/selenium-server-standalone (v2.40.0)
Composer distribution of Selenium Server Standalone, the browser automation framework. Adds a executable to your composer bin directory.
- opis/config (1.0.1)
Simple config library
- riverline/predaddy-bundle (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
Integrate predaddy DDD/CQRS lib into a Symfony2 application
- g4/clean-core (0.8.4)
clean-core php library
- sweelix/yii1-admin-users (3.0.1, 3.0.0)
PHP 5.4+ Sweelix CMS user management
- sweelix/yii1-admin-dashboard (3.0.1, 3.0.0)
PHP 5.4+ Sweelix CMS basic dashboard
- sweelix/yii1-admin-cloud (3.0.1, 3.0.0)
PHP 5.4+ Sweelix CMS cloud (tag/groups) management
- sweelix/yii1-admin-structure (3.0.1, 3.0.0)
PHP 5.4+ Sweelix CMS structure management
- sweelix/yii1-admin-core (3.0.1, 3.0.0)
PHP 5.4+ Sweelix CMS basic admin for Yii
- sweelix/yii1-ext (3.0.1, 3.0.0)
PHP 5.4+ Sweelix CMS extension for Yii
- easyframework/collections (v1.2.2)
Easy Framework Collection Component
- sweelix/yii1 (3.0.1, 3.0.0)
PHP 5.4+ Sweelix extensions for Yii
- cargomedia/cm (1.7.0)
- smichaelsen/sofortlib-php-payment (2.0.1)
- packfire/fuelblade (1.2.3)
Packfire FuelBlade - Dependency Injection / IoC library for PHP
- cerdic/css-tidy (v1.5.2, v1.5.1)
CSSTidy is a CSS minifier
- martial/crud-bundle (1.2.0)
This project aims to give a simple way to provide a CRUD service in a SOA Symfony2 project.
- smichaelsen/phpframework (1.0.0)
- claroline/activity-tool-bundle (1.0.5)
Claroline activity tool bundle
- rkr/fsutils (0.0.3)
- g4/tasker (0.2.0)
Application asynchronous tasks manager and runner, cron-like PHP implementation
- claroline/rss-reader-bundle (2.0.7)
Claroline RSS reader plugin
- anahkiasen/underscore-php (1.2.3)
A redacted port of Underscore.js for PHP
- data-values/time (0.3)
Time value objects, parsers and formatters
- hrevert/ht-customer-logo (0.0.2)
A Zend framework 2 module useful to provide logo upload functionality
- imsamurai/array-object-advanced (1.0.2)
Advanced implementation of ArrayObject
- nedi/nedi (1.0.9)
NeDi discovers, maps and inventories your network devices and tracks connected end-nodes.
- metamodels/attribute_translatedtags (1.0.2)
MetaModels attribute for translated text
- league/csv (5.2.0)
Csv data manipulation made easy in PHP 5.4+
- bc/generator (
model generator
- jjgrainger/wp-custom-post-type-class (v1.2.1)
A single class to help you build more advanced custom post types quickly.
- simplon/doi (0.0.2)
Simple double opt-in handler w/ possibility to inject your own DB and Iface handler
- pyrsmk/mail (0.6.1)
A simple mail object
- banderon1/social-api (1.0)
A simple way to integrate oauth and social sites like facebook, twitter, foursquare, yelp and linkedin into your PHP application.
- hexastudio/array_disk (v0.5.0)
Store array as cache in hardDrive, decrease memory usage
- uam/datatables-bundle (2.0.2)
Datatables jquery plugin packaged as a Symfony bundle