Popular posts from PHPDeveloper.org for the past week:
- Master Zend Framework: Make Module Configs Cacheable with the ZF2 Factory Interface
- Community News: Latest PEAR Releases for 03.10.2014
- Voices of the ElePHPant: Interview #2 with Larry Garfield : Drupal 8 & Object Oriented Programming
- Anthony Ferrara: An Opinion On The Future Of PHP
- Pádraic Brady: PHP Package Signing: My Current Thoughts
- The PHP.cc Blog: PHPUnit 4.0: Code Coverage Improvements
- SitePoint PHP Blog: Simple Captchas with PHP and GD
- NetTuts.com: Laravel Unwrapped: Session, Auth and Cache
- Michelangelo van Dam: Bootstrapping ZF1 application in Apigilty
- SitePoint PHP Blog: Risks and Challenges of Password Hashing