Recent releases from the Packagist:
- thefold/lib (20140320.1, 20140319.1)
WordPress Library for TheFold
- jayzeng/virustotalapi (0.1.3, v0.1.2)
VirusTotal Public API v2.0 PHP Wrapper
- zeroclipboard/zeroclipboard (1.3.4)
The ZeroClipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie and a JavaScript interface.
- thiagoalessio/tesseract_ocr (0.2.0, 0.1.5)
A wrapper to work with TesseractOCR inside your PHP scripts
- mochaka/laravel-erply (1.0.0-beta)
Laravel connector for
- croogo/ckeditor (2.0.0)
Integrate Ckeditor with Croogo
- mediahack/klogger (0.2.1)
A Simple Logging Class
- balanced/balanced (1.0)
Client for Balanced API
- nasext/sorting-control (v1.1)
Sorting control for Nette Framework
- menglr/talk (v1.0)
A Middleware for Weixin APIs
- xplore/bootstripe (0.1.1)
A SilverStripe theme built with Grunt and Bower, incorporating Bootstrap and Font Awesome
- bmidget/kohana-formo (3.1.9, 3.1.8)
Formo is a form module for Kohana 3 that lets you work with forms as objects
- nasext/visual-paginator (v2.2, v2.1, v1.1)
VisualPaginator for Nette Framework
- nasext/items-per-page (v1.2, v1.1)
ItemsPerPage for Nette Framework
- nasext/filter-form-control (v1.2, v1.1)
Data form filter control for Nette Framework
- danielstjules/stringy (1.5.0)
A string manipulation library with multibyte support
- ml/json-ld (1.0.0)
JSON-LD Processor for PHP
- codeception/codeception (2.0.0-beta)
BDD-style testing framework
- zenify/doctrine-extensions (v0.1.0)
Integration of l3pp4rd/DoctrineExtensions into Nette Framework
- predaddy/predaddy (2.0.2)
Common DDD classes and utilities
- dreamfactory/lib-php-common-yii (1.4.3)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Yii Components Library
- unreal4u/rutverifier (v2.1.0)
This class is able to do integrity verification on chilean RUTs and RUNs
- fieryprophet/php-sandbox (v1.3.5, v1.3.4)
A PHP library that can be used to run PHP code in a sandboxed environment
- phpmd/phpmd (2.0.0-beta.4, 2.0.0-beta.3)
Official version of PHPMD handled with Composer.
- fm-labs/cakephp-captcha (1.1)
CakePHP Captcha Plugin
- pdepend/pdepend (2.0.0-beta.3, 2.0.0-beta.2)
Official version of pdepend to be handled with Composer
- dunglas/php-socialshare (0.2.1)
Retrieve social networks share counts and share links
- matthiasnoback/code-sniffer-sniff-dsl (v0.2.0, v0.1.0)
DSL for writing sniffs for PHP_CodeSniffer
- saxulum/saxulum-route-controller-provider (1.1.2)
Saxulum Route/Controller Provider
- opennotion/profanity-filter (0.0.2)
The OpenNotion profanity filter library used to replace profanities within ideas, comments and otehr pieces of user editable text.
- escapework/frete (0.1.1)
Library pra cálculo de frete
- mrjuliuss/syntara (1.2.5, 1.1.21)
Admin package for laravel 4
- ajt/modelmanagerbundle (1.1.1, 1.1.0)
Symfony bundle for ajt/modelmanager
- mashape/unirest-php (1.2)
Unirest PHP
- acclimate/container (1.0.0)
Provides adapters for various third-party service containers.
- pjdietz/wellrested (v1.4.0)
Simple PHP Library for RESTful APIs
- mneudert/phase (v0.1.0)
Functional programming case statement for PHP.
- felixonline/core (0.2.1, 0.2.0)
Felix Online Core
- fracture/http (0.1.1, 0.1.0, 0.1)
HTTP abstraction library from Fracture PHP framework for use with composer
- stikair/sf2starter (2.3.3, 2.3.2)
The "Symfony Standard Edition" distribution
- m6web/log-bridge-bundle (1.0.4)
SF2 Proxy manager Log
- zenstruck/cache-bundle (v1.2.2)
Provides a httpcache warmup command for Symfony2
- ivoba/silverstripe-simple-pdf-preview (1.0.2)
Simple Pdf Preview Extension for SilverStripe CMS
- phenx/php-font-lib (0.3.1)
A library to read, parse, export and make subsets of different types of font files.
- mcsodbrenner/serpent (2.0.0)
Serpent is a lightweight and compiling templating engine for PHP. It was designed to seamlessly integrate into existing MVC frameworks. It uses PHP itself as its template language, so you do not need to learn a new markup language. On the other side you get many improvements compared to pure PHP.
- gnutix/kata-fizzbuzz (v0.0.1)
Coding Kata training of the Fizz Buzz game.
- psi/news4ward_tags (2.0.5)
Tags and tagcloud for News4ward
- nasext/suggestion-input (v2.1, v1.1)
SuggestionInput for Nette Framework
- ajt/modelmanager (1.2.0, 1.1.0)
Model management library
- martial/crud-bundle (1.3.0)
This project aims to give a simple way to provide a CRUD service in a SOA Symfony2 project.
- petrepatrasc/blizzard-starcraft-api (1.0.4)
A PHP 5.3+ wrapper for the Starcraft 2 API
- connorvg/php-wtf (1.1)
A PHP implementation of my WholeTextFunctions library
- contao/idna (0.8.1)
A library for encoding and decoding internationalized domain names.
- contao/php-diff (1.1.0)
A comprehensive library for generating differences between two hashable objects (strings or arrays).
- freyskeyd/menu-factory (0.1.0)
A tool to create cool menu with PHP
- entomb/slim-json-api (1.0.6)
Slim extension to implement fast JSON API's
- menatwork/cleanup (1.0.0.beta1)
A general cronjob to cleanup folders and files
- znanylekarz/assets-loader (2.0.8)
Assets Loader
- buggedcom/phpvideotoolkit (2.1.4)
PHPVideoToolkit is a set of classes aimed to provide a modular, object oriented and accessible interface for interacting with videos and audio through the FFmpeg program.
- bullshit/snapsave (v1.1)
Fetch and save snapchat media
- contao/tcpdf (
TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents.
- bubobox/assets (1.1.0, 1.0.0)
Assets is a static class that makes it very easy to add javascript or stylesheets to your views.
- infinitytracking/infinity-javascript-bundle (v1.0.2, v1.0.1)
Infinitytracking InfinityJavascriptBundle
- vslinko/unisender (v0.1.0)
Unisender API
- connorvg/php-slack (1.2, 1.1)
A PHP implementation for the Slack API w/ Laravel binds
- gregwar/captcha-bundle (v1.0.11)
Captcha bundle
- gregwar/captcha (v1.0.11)
Captcha generator
- onidle/example-app (1.0.1, 1.0.0, 0.1.0)
- gushphp/gush (1.3.11)
Rapid workflow for project maintainers and contributors
- gushphp/gush-github-adapter (1.1.1, 1.1.0)
GitHub adapter for Gush
- ryannielson/meta (1.0.2)
A package that makes it easy to add meta tags to your views. Includes easy Laravel integration.
- umbrella/boleto (v1.4.1)
Yet another Boleto e uma biblioteca para geração de boletos bancários em PHP
- purekid/mongodm (1.4.1)
MongoDB ORM that includes support for references,embed and multilevel inheritance.
- endelwar/twig-extensions (v0.1.0)
Twig extensions used by me in my projects
- blablacar/redis-client (v1.0.5)
BlaBlarCar Redis client
- phpspec/phpspec (2.0.0)
Specification-oriented BDD framework for PHP 5.3+
- doctrine/phpcr-odm (1.0.0-alpha2, 1.0.0-alpha1)
Object-Document-Mapper for PHPCR
- purple-dbu/vcloud-sdk-helpers (1.1.2)
Utility classes for vCloud Director PHP SDK
- myclabs/acl (0.2.0)
ACL library for Doctrine
- irestful/concretepdohashmapservices (13.11.28)
- icap/dropzone-bundle (v0.2.1, v0.2.0, v0.1.4)
- irestful/concretehashmaprepresentations (13.11.28)
- irestful/hashmapservices (13.11.28)
- irestful/concretehashmaprepresentationsets (13.11.28)
- ssteynfaardt/zite-api (1.1.0)
API client for
- irestful/concretehashmaprepresentationlists (13.11.28)
- irestful/hashmaprepresentationsets (13.11.28)
- ministryofjustice/opg-core-public-domain-model (0.12.0)
Domain model for the OPG Core project
- irestful/hashmaprepresentationlists (13.11.28)
- irestful/hashmaprepresentations (13.11.28)
- elao/browser-detector-bundle (1.1.0)
Elao Browser Detector Bundle
- contao-community-alliance/event-dispatcher (1.1)
Event dispatcher service for Contao Open Source CMS
- irestful/concretepdohashmaprepositories (13.11.28)
- kunstmaan/media-bundle (v2.3.5)
To build your perfect website you probably need images, video's or maybe even a presentation too. The Kunstmaan Media Bundle handles all those media assets and centralizes them so you can find your content just the way you like it: fast and efficiently. No central asset management module is useful without some pretty advanced image editing functionality. To provide this we have integrated the Aviary image editing service right from the interface.
- andheiberg/asset (1.0.4)
Asset workflow for laravel using grunt.
- freefri/cake-databaselog (0.1.0)
Storing CakePHP log into database.
- irestful/hashmaprepositories (13.11.28)
- temafey/phalcon-engine (v0.3.0)
Web project engine base on Phalcon framework
- irestful/concretehashmappartialsetretrievercriterias (13.11.28)
- sammaye/yii2-mailchimp (0.1)
MailChimp plugin for the Yii2 framework
- fracture/routing (0.1)
Routing library from Fracture PHP framework for use with composer
- elao/browser-detector (1.0.0)
Elao Browser Detector
- mgargano/rotoworld (0.1.3)
Composer package that parses Rotoworld's DOM for news stories
- irestful/hashmappartialsetretrievercriterias (13.11.28)
- irestful/concretehashmapsetretrievercriterias (13.11.28)
- elao/mce-media-bundle (1.1.0, 1.0.0)
This bundle handles the integration of File Manager and Image Manager plugins inside TinyMCE
- openbuildings/jam-resource (0.2.2)
Kohana resources for Jam ORM which connect routes, controllers and models
- irestful/hashmapsetretrievercriterias (13.11.28)
- eloquent/endec (0.1.0)
Versatile encoding implementations for PHP.
- irestful/concretehashmapretrievercriterias (13.11.28)
- irestful/hashmapretrievercriterias (13.11.28)
- psi/boxes4ward (2.0.3)
Archive, page and time based content boxes for Contao
- cargomedia/cm (1.8.0)
- rah/rah_memcached (0.1.0)
Memcached Textpattern CMS templates
- vince/cms-sonata-admin-bundle (1.0.0)
Manage VinceCmsBundle with Sonata Admin
- bread/mail (v0.4.2, v0.4.1, v0.4.0)
Bread mail library
- g4/clean-core (0.8.5)
clean-core php library
- rah/rah_repeat (1.1.0)
Iterations plugin for Textpattern
- textpattern/installer (1.0.5)
Textpattern plugin and theme installer
- elao/form-translation-bundle (1.0.1)
Generate translation key for forms
- innova/angular-ui-translation-bundle (1.0.1)
Provides a new Angular JS filter which can access to Symfony 2 translations.
- square1/mobilebill (v1.1.0) PHP API Client.
- teepluss/restable (v0.1)
Laravel4 RESTful API format
- keboola/gooddata-writer-php-client (1.5.6)
PHP Client for KBC GoodData Writer
- rah/rah_flat (0.2.0)
Textpattern CMS templates as flat files
- denvers/reporter (1.0.0)
Easily send debug messages to your INBOX
- tlr/l4-support (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Helpers and Utilities for Laravel
- suramon/auto-pimple (1.5.2)
Pimple with automated service loading
- ajimix/asana-api-php-class (2.0.0)
A PHP class that acts as wrapper for Asana API. Lets make things easy! :)
- hisorange/greenball (1.0.3)
- bread/storage (v0.9.3)
Bread storage library
- jariberg/vardump (v1.4.3)
zero dependency replacement of php var_dump and print_r with beautiful styling and support for cli-mode
- chriskl/phpssrs-utils (v0.2.3)
A set of utilities for SSRS built using the phpssrs library
- bmidget/kohana-assets (1.5)
Handy library for serving up pre-compiled js and css/less files
- nanapi/cakephp-aws-datasource (0.0.4)
Aws DataSource Plugin for CakePHP
- selvinortiz/zit (v0.5.0)
Tiny dependency management library for PHP 5.3
- irestful/concretetransformreferences (13.11.28)