Recent releases from the Packagist:
- rogeriopradoj/ghio.js (0.1.0-rc3, 0.1.0-rc2, 0.1.0-rc)
Convert urls of pages into urls of repositories and vice versa
- yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle (v1.4.2)
Server-side handler of DataTables Jquery Plugin for Laravel 4
- pi/pi (v2.5.0-alpha2)
Pi is a multi-tenant application development engine for cloud ready SaaS platform with support for SSO/OAuth.
- jimbojsb/swurl (v0.1.8)
URL Parser / Manipulator
- kohkimakimoto/altax (v3.0.5)
Altax is an extensible deployment tool for PHP.
- pingpong/gravatar (1.0.0)
Laravel 4 - Simple Gravatar Builder
- cakephp/cakephp (2.5.0-beta)
The CakePHP framework
- livefyre/livefyre-php-utils (1.0.0)
Livefyre PHP utility classes
- a4m/zencoder (1.0.0)
A laravel wrapper around the zencoder API.
- racztiborzoltan/phalcon-xslt-view-engine (1.0.0)
Adapter to use XSLT as templating engine for Phalcon PHP framework
- myabakus/teamworkpm (v1.0.4)
PHP wrapper for TeamWorkPm api.
- micromachine/micromachine (v1.0.0)
Component Loader for PHP
- 99designs/sipht (0.2.0)
A PHP client for the Sift Science REST API
- wtfzdotnet/wtfz-tmdb-bundle (v1.0.0)
Symfony2 Bundle for TMDB ( The Movie Database ) API. Provides easy access to the wtfzdotnet/php-tmdb-api library.
- box/bart (1.5.0)
Build and Release Tools for PHP
- mitch/laravel-doctrine (0.1)
Doctrine implementation for Laravel 4
- nkt/doctrine-columns (0.1.1)
Code entities fast
- wtfzdotnet/php-tmdb-api (v1.0.0)
PHP wrapper for TMDB (TheMovieDatabase) API v3. Supports two types of approaches, one modelled with repositories, models and factories. And the other by simple array access to RAW data from The Movie Database.
- bldr-io/bldr (1.3.3, 1.3.2, 1.3.1, 1.3.0)
Simple Build System / Task Runner
- condenast/pangea (1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2)
- tzookb/tbmsg (v0.0.2)
users messaging system
- mimmi20/wurflcache (1.1.4, 1.1.3)
the Cache Classes for the Wurfl PHP Library for PHP 5.3
- ebussola/fos-oauth2-redbean (1.1.1-beta, 1.1.0-beta)
Oauth2 server Redbean adapter
- o5/grido (1.0.6)
Grido - DataGrid for Nette Framework
- suramon/itertools (1.5.6, 1.5.5)
Iterators implemented in PHP, copy-pasted from Python
- aws/aws-sdk-php (2.6.0)
AWS SDK for PHP - Use Amazon Web Services in your PHP project
- greeny/zip-php (1.0.0)
Easy zip archive manipulation.
- menatwork/zipstream (1.0.0)
Streaming dynamic zip files from PHP without writing to the disk at all on the server
- eventhorizon/assets-bundle (v1.0.1)
- gusdecool/bunga-symfony (v1.0.0)
Pre defined Symfony Framework by Bunga Mata
- stubbles/core (v3.4.3, v3.4.2)
Provides base classes for Stubbles packages.
- lstrojny/hmmmath (0.5.0)
Collection of math related PHP functions
- gushphp/gush (1.3.14)
Rapid workflow for project maintainers and contributors
- nicolas-brousse/twig-integrator-kit (v0.1.3)
A minimalist application to make integration with twig
- jarednova/timber (0.17.2)
Plugin to write WordPress themes w Object-Oriented Code and the Twig Template Engine
- barryvdh/laravel-debugbar (v1.5.5)
PHP Debugbar integration for Laravel
- fol/core (v2.0.1)
The core of FOL framework
- ruflin/elastica (v1.0.1.2)
Elasticsearch Client
- bldr-io/bldr-symfony (1.0.1) Symfony Extension
- bldr-io/bldr-filesystem (1.1.2) Filesystem Extension
- bldr-io/bldr-git (1.0.5)
Git Extension for Bldr
- bldr-io/bldr-execute (1.2.2) Execute Extension
- headzoo/bitcoin-tools (0.1.1)
Small library used to work with Bitcoin. Currently only contains a single class which validates Bitcoin addresses.
- firesphere/silverstripe-newsmodule (3.2.1)
A ModelAdmin based newsmodule to prevent clutter in the SiteTree
- headzoo/bitcoin-wallet-api (0.4.0)
PHP library supporting communication with the Bitcoin wallet JSON-RPC API.
- graze/sort (1.0.0)
A collection of array sorting transforms and functions
- guzzlehttp/guzzle (4.0.0-rc.2)
Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client library and framework for building RESTful web service clients
- bkwld/library (2.8.2)
Misc PHP code
- phraseanet/php-sdk (0.4.4)
A library to interact with Phraseanet API
- guzzlehttp/streams (1.0.0)
Provides a simple abstraction over streams of data (Guzzle 4+)
- fluidtypo3/fluidcontent (4.0.0)
Create Flexible Content elements in pure fluid
- packettide/bree (v1.1.2, v1.0.2)
A form layer for Eloquent which supports a variety of field packages
- cargomedia/cm (1.10.0, 1.9.1)
- fluidtypo3/fluidpages (3.0.0)
The fluidpages package from FluidTYPO3
- fluidtypo3/flux (7.0.0)
The flux package from FluidTYPO3
- jfelder/oracledb (1.0.4, 1.0.3)
Oracle DB driver for Laravel 4
- yii-ext/scroll-up (0.5)
Infinite scroll-up pager
- clippings/env-backup (0.2.4, 0.2.3)
Backup/restore environment variables: globals, static vars, configs
- intervention/imagecache (0.6.1)
Caching extension for the Intervention Image Class
- radig/locale (2.0.5)
CakePHP Locale: allow your users to input localized data (like dates and decimals) while kept consistency at database-level.
- jeskew/guzzle-hawk (0.0.2)
A GuzzlePHP plugin for Hawk authentication
- maximebf/debugbar (1.9.12)
Debug bar in the browser for php application
- openbuildings/jam-resource (0.2.3)
Kohana resources for Jam ORM which connect routes, controllers and models
- leaseweb/guzzle-bundle (v1.0.2)
Guzzle API call functionality with full Web Debug Toolbar integration
- ac/login-convenience-bundle (0.3.1)
Authentication for a Symfony server providing a JSON web API
- hrevert/ht-customer-logo (0.0.3)
A Zend framework 2 module useful to provide logo upload functionality
- ibrows/translation-helper-bundle (1.0.0)
Symfony Translation Helper Bundle
- jadb/apple_touch (v1.1.0)
CakePHP Apple Touch Plugin
- hrevert/ht-img-module (0.0.2)
Image manipulation module for Zend Framework 2
- ckeditor/ckeditor (4.3.4)
JavaScript WYSIWYG web text editor.
- anh/content-bundle (v1.1.7)
Content bundle
- petersuhm/configure (v1.0.1)
A configuration repository for PHP.
- cossou/trak-io-api-client (v1.0.1)
PHP Api Client built on Guzzle
- kunstmaan/node-bundle (v2.3.7)
All websites need pages(we call them nodes) but you probably don't want to spend too much time building them. Plus they should look pretty and contain the right content and that takes time. We make sure you have to spend less time managing your pages but still offer you flexibility so you can focus on more important tasks and don't have to worry about it.
- ministryofjustice/opg-core-public-domain-model (0.12.1)
Domain model for the OPG Core project
- kunstmaan/form-bundle (v2.3.5)
Managing forms, fields and their submissions by the user is a key functionality missing in most platforms. By leveraging the KunstmaanPagePartBundle system in the KunstmaanFormBundle users gain an easy way to create and manage the form on their website, again without having to worry about the technical side of things.
- kunstmaan/admin-bundle (v2.3.9)
The Kunstmaan Admin bundle supplies your project with a basic, elegant backend interface you can modify and extend so you can make your perfect admin module. The clean interface makes it straightforward for you and the people working with it to change settings and modify content.
- yii-ext/gii-enum-generator (0.5)
Enum classes generator for gii
- kunstmaan/adminlist-bundle (v2.3.7)
Every website contains several lists of content ranging from articles on a blog, to drop down values. The KunstlaanAdminListBundles takes CRUD a step further by supplying filtering, exports to csv and editing capabilities to these content entities.
- kunstmaan/translator-bundle (v2.3.5)
Edit the translations file from the backend interface
- ilya/resolver (1.1)
Don't let the magic confuse you - these are not static classes!
- menatwork/contentselection (1.1.1, 1.1.0)
Show or hide content elements for os and browser
- mlalbuquerque/silex-skeleton (v3.12.0)
A Silex skeleton for little (not tiny) projects
- instaphp/instaphp (, 2.0.3-beta)
A library for accessing Instagram's API (v2)
- lstrojny/functional-php (1.0.0-alpha4)
Functional primitives for PHP
- myclabs/muih (0.1.3, 0.1.2)
PHP and Javascrcipt helpers for creation of Bootstrap 3 UI elements
- menatwork/articleselection (1.0.0)
Show or hide articles for os and browser
- janisto/yii-environment (1.6.0)
Environment class for Yii, used to set configuration for console and web apps depending on the server environment.
- menatwork/agentselection (1.2.2)
Helper functions for selecting user agents
- mapado/mysql-doctrine-functions (v1.1.2)
Provides the `RAND()` and `ROUND()` MySQL functions for Doctrine2.
- fedeisas/laravel-js-routes (1.4)
Laravel routes from Javascript
- gilbitron/php-simplecache (1.3.0)
A simple script for caching 3rd party API calls in PHP.
- weboap/carabiner (1.0.1, 1.0, v1.0.1)
A port of CI Carabiner Asset Management by @tonydewan for laravel 4
- ellipsesynergie/api-response (0.1.0)
- anlutro/menu (0.1.5)
Dynamic menu builder.
- krisanalfa/bono-browserdetect (0.0.1)
Bono Browser Detector and Inspector
- netzmacht/contao-bootstrap-columnseteditor (0.2.0)
Provides an backend widget for choosing icons of an icon font
- emailbidding/publisher-client-php (v0.1.14)
Publisher client
- redaxmedia/gsp (1.2.0)
Grunt Survival Pack
- adambrett/shell-wrapper (0.3)
An object oriented wrapper for shell commands
- werkint/object-routing (0.1)
Library for generating routes based on objects.
- bartaakos/yii-skeleton (v1.0)
Basic Yii skeleton
- bartaakos/brta-yii-skeleton (v1.0)
Basic Yii skeleton
- anlutro/l4-core (0.10.1)
Core L4 functionality.
- eloquent/endec (0.1.1)
Versatile encoding implementations for PHP.
- embed/embed (v1.3.7)
PHP library to retrieve page info using oembed, opengraph, etc
- anlutro/l4-validation (0.5.1)
Validation service class for Laravel 4.
- ginger/ginger (v1.1.3, v1.1.2, v1.1.1)
- anlutro/l4-repository (0.6.2)
Repository classes for Laravel 4.
- openbuildings/jam-tart (0.2.42)
Admin Builder for Kohana, using Jam ORM
- neeckeloo/recurly (v1.1.0)
ZF2 module for using Recurly's subscription billing platform
- betacie/mangopay-bundle (v0.3.0)
MangoPay Bundle
- betacie/mangopay-sdk (v0.3.0)
MangoPay PHP SDK
- headzoo/web-tools (0.2)
A collection of PHP classes used for making and handling web requests.
- bravesheep/crudify-bundle (v2.0.0)
Symfony 2 bundle that provides a simple CRUD interface
- solution-web/closure-compiler (v20140303.0)
A package providing an up-to-date version of the Closure Compiler.
- webignition/url (1.9.10)
Represents a URL, a library to be used in many other places. Applies semantically-lossless normalisation for comparisons.
- pingpong/shortcode (1.0.0)
Laravel 4 - Simple Shortcode LIKE Wordpress
- clippings/composer-init (0.1.0)
Initialize a composer package based on a template package
- icypineapple/baseapi (v0.1.0)
Icy Pineapple Base API bundle
- angelleye/paypal-php-library (v2.0)
PHP wrapper for PayPal APIs
- barryvdh/laravel-vendor-cleanup (v1.2.3)
A vendor cleanup package, to remove tests and documentation to save space
- birko/minishop (1.0.0)
The "MiniShop" website application
- caouecs/sirtrevorjs (1.1.1)
Sir Trevor JS in Laravel 4 project
- anahkiasen/flickering (0.1.1)
A modern interface for the Flickr API
- amstaffix/extjs-entity-gatherer (0.1.6)
- php/skeleton (3.0.1)
Generic PHP.Skeleton package
- astina/deadlink-bundle (1.1.0)
Symfony bundle that provides services to find broken link URLs.
- headzoo/utilities (0.2.3)
A collection of use PHP utility classes and functions.
- hashbang/wunderground (v1.0.0)
An simple Weather Underground PHP API
- ixa/layout (0.3)
WordPress library that provides basic support to use layouts in themes
- hashbang/securepay (v1.0.0)
PHP SecurePay API