Recent releases from the Packagist:
- twoixter/ansicolors (1.0.0)
A no-nonsense library to display ANSI colors in CLI PHP scripts.
- radnan/rdn-upload (v2.0.0)
Zend Framework 2 module to manage file uploads easily and securely
- zoopcommerce/juggernaut (1.2.0)
A caching module for PHP that includes adapters for File System, APC and Memcached. It also includes a number of helper classes for DB caching and full page cache
- mranchovy/smarty3 (2.0.1)
Integration of Smarty v3 with the Kohana PHP Framework
- reticulas/template (0.1.1)
Basic template to start reticulas-cssframework
- xendk/bandaid (1.0)
Drush command for helping with patching contrib modules.
- crodas/notoj (v0.1.14)
Annotation parser. Uses reflection and provides cache out of the box.
- perminder-klair/kato (0.9.4, 0.9.2, 0.9.1)
Kato CMS based on Yii 2
- aanbieders/laravel-api (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Laravel package to recover information of the Comparison service provider, using the Aanbieders API
- iveoles/image (1.2.1, 1.2, 1.0)
A Laravel 4 package to aid generating automatically resized images on the fly and generating responsive images.
- anorgan/qutee (v0.8.0)
Simple queue manager and task processor for PHP
- mardy-git/hmac (v2.1.0)
A keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC). Used for application to application authentication.
- johnstyle/sjo (v3.3.0)
PHP 5 MVC Framework
- dimkof/slim-quickstart (v1.0.1)
Slim Framework Quickstart
- dmitrymomot/slim-quickstart (v1.0.1)
Slim Framework Quickstart
- hautelook/sentry-bundle (0.1.5)
Symfony2 Bundle for the sentry client
- hautelook/sentry-client (0.1.3)
A PHP client for Sentry (
- zfcampus/zf-console (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Library for creating and dispatching console commands
- kettle/dynamodb-orm (v0.1.1)
A lightweight object-dynamodb mapper for PHP5
- elefant/app-events (1.0.3, 1.0.2)
Events calendar app for the Elefant CMS
- cviebrock/artisan-hash (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Adds Artisan tasks to Laravel to work with password hashes from the CLI.
- trampish/browscap-laravel (v1.0.2, v1.0.1, v1.0.0, v1.0)
Browscap integration (Service Provider and Facade) for Laravel 4
- gajus/moa (0.1.0)
MOA implements dynamically generated Active Record database abstraction.
- wyrihaximus/phergie-dns (0.1.0)
Phergie plugin for Looking up IP's by hostnames
- gajus/strading (0.1.0)
Secure Trading Web Services API interface.
- cti/di (2.5.0, 2.4.3, 2.4.2)
Dependency Injection Container
- techsterx/slim-config-yaml (v1.0.2)
- opensoft/simple-serializer (1.0.3)
Simple Serializer
- helpscout/api (1.3.8)
API client for the Help Scout API
- lingualeo/expert-sender-api (0.3.1, 0.3.0, 0.2.9)
Simple API for expert sender service
- covex-nn/doctrine-migrations-bundle (0.9.1, 0.9.0)
Symfony DoctrineMigrationsBundle
- zimbra/soap-api (v1.1.0, v1.0.1)
PHP wrapper library around the Zimbra Soap API (web service)
- 2amigos/yii2-translateable-behavior (0.1.1)
ActiveRecord attributes translations for Yii2.
- codenamegary/l4-lock (v0.1.0-beta)
A Laravel 4 package to lock down a site and require a simple username/password BEFORE auth is executed. Useful for doing things like locking down a site so a client can test before going live while without interfering with auth and other stock framework options.
- cakedc/tags (1.5.3)
Tags plugin for CakePHP.
- covex-nn/migrations (0.9.0)
Database Schema migrations using Doctrine DBAL
- ilya/block (1.1.0)
Parsing docblocks made easy
- thefox/hashcash (v1.0.3, v1.0.2, v1.0.1)
Hashcash implementation in PHP
- maximebf/debugbar (1.9.14)
Debug bar in the browser for php application
- hidekscorporation/hideksframework (v1.9.9-beta)
Hideks Framework
- datingvip/geo (v1.0.4, v1.0.3)
Geographical data helpers
- sinergi/validation (0.1.4)
Simple PHP Validation library
- miloschuman/yii-highcharts (v4.0.1)
Highcharts adapter for the Yii Framework
- gajus/klaus (0.1.0)
SQL WHERE clause constructor.
- hypejunction/hypeembed (1.0.4)
Alternative full-featured embed
- kartik-v/bootstrap-star-rating (v2.0.0)
A simple yet powerful JQuery star rating plugin for Bootstrap.
- 2amigos/yii2-file-upload-widget (0.1.0)
BlueImp jQuery File Upload Widget for Yii2.
- irestful/publicplaces (14.04.08)
- menatwork/backend-language-switcher (1.1.2, 1.1.1)
Switch between pages and their translated siblings
- sinergi/dictionary (0.1.1)
PHP Dictionary library
- corneltek/class-template (1.2.0, 1.1.0, 1.0.0, 0.2.0)
Class template Utilities
- apnet/assetic-importer-bundle (1.1.1)
Integrates resource projects into Symfony2
- mcfedr/queue-driver-pheanstalk-bundle (1.1.2)
A bundle for managing job queues
- harrytang/yii2-dotdotdot-widget (1.0.1, 1.0)
DotDotDot for Yii 2
- mcfedr/job-manager-bundle (1.3.3)
A bundle for managing job queues
- irestful/categorynodes (14.04.08)
- madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-slider (1.3.0)
Responsive Slider. Full Contao integration, latest touch technology and hardware acceleration.
- zizaco/factory-muff (1.5.1beta)
The goal of this Package is to enable the rapid creation of objects for the purpose of testing.
- agentor/doctrine-extensions (1.4)
- messaged/php-mime-mail-parser (v1.0.4)
Mailparse extension wrapper for PHP 5.3+
- scheb/two-factor-bundle (v0.3.0)
Provides two-factor authenticaton for Symfony2
- easybiblabs/oauth2-client-php (0.3.4)
OAuth2 client for PHP
- martindilling/sunny (v0.5.1, 0.5.2, v0.5.0)
Extends Carbon with sunrise/sunset functionality.
- itscaro/composer-global-installer (1.0.0)
- irestful/categories (14.04.08)
- mathiasverraes/magictree (0.3.2)
DSL for building trees
- voceconnect/wp-dependencies (v0.1.2)
A composer package for WordPress to help manage plugin dependencies.
- odinshat/yii-clickatell-smscomponent (v1.0)
Yii component for interfacing with the Clickatell SMS HTTP API
- elcodi/elcodi (v0.1.1)
Barebones Ecommerce functionality for Symfony
- elcodi/banner-bundle (v0.1.1)
Elcodi Banner component
- elcodi/cart-bundle (v0.1.1)
Elcodi Cart component
- elcodi/cart-coupon-bundle (v0.1.1)
Elcodi Cart-Coupon bridge component
- elcodi/core-bundle (v0.1.1)
Elcodi Core component
- elcodi/currency-bundle (v0.1.1)
Elcodi Currency component
- elcodi/product-bundle (v0.1.1)
Elcodi Product component
- elcodi/referral-program-bundle (v0.1.1)
Elcodi ReferralProgram component
- elcodi/user-bundle (v0.1.1)
Elcodi User component
- ceesvanegmond/minify (2.0.4)
A package for minifying styles and javascript
- kylekatarnls/sbp (1.3.1)
Shoter Built PHP
- vipx/bot-detect-bundle (v1.0.3, v1.0.2)
Symfony VipxBotDetectBundle
- cobwebinfo/cobra5-php-sdk (v1.0.0)
- claroline/core-bundle (2.14.0)
Claroline core bundle
- gajus/bugger (0.2.1)
Bugger is a collection of functions for debugging PHP code.
- routemedia/kisi (v0.1.0)
Eloquent filter and sorting make easy
- task/console (v0.2.0)
Utilities for working with Symfony's Console component and Task
- phundament/p3media (0.17.3)
Yii media file manager module with ckeditor integration
- matycz/lemo-grid (1.0.2)
- axis/axis-module-routing-plugin (1.0.2)
symfony 1.x plugin that allows you to define routing configuration at module level.
- phpmd/phpmd (2.0.0-beta.6)
Official version of PHPMD handled with Composer.
- menatwork/semantic_html5 (1.1.13)
Create html5 elements as content element
- phundament/p3bootstrap (0.23.1)
Bootstrap Theme for Phundament
- libcast/jobqueue (v0.1.3)
Job/Queue system that execute Tasks through Workers
- pecserke/yaml-fixtures-bundle (1.0.0-RC3)
Symfony PecserkeYamlFixturesBundle
- byscripts/notifier (0.0.3)
- ibuildings/qa-tools (1.1.17, 1.1.16)
Ibuildings standard QA Tools
- vipx/bot-detect (v1.0.2)
Bot detector library
- cargomedia/cm (1.15.4, 1.15.3, 1.15.2)
- ideatic/jquery_fm (2.0, 1.0)
Advanced jQuery File Upload & Manager
- test-db-acle/test-db-acle (0.6.0)
Framework for very lightweight setting up of database test data for unit tests
- multoo/shipping (v0.3.2, v0.2.2, v0.3.1)
Multoo Shipping package
- kunstmaan/dashboard-bundle (v2.3.3, v2.3.2)
The Kunstmaan Dashboard bundle adds a system to build advanced dashboards in the admin area of the CMS. Currently it features a large Google Analytics integration.
- byscripts/manager-bundle (0.2.3)
A simple bundle to manage entities to lighten the controllers
- webcms2/webcms2 (v0.4.6)
WebCMS2 content management system for Nette framework. This package contains system libraries and admin module.
- roots/bedrock-for-hosting (1.2.4)
A modern WordPress stack
- arcanacode/content-bundle (2.4.1)
This bundle provides localized content management
- hanamura/wp-model (1.1.1)
Missing functionalities from model objects of WordPress.
- anahita/anahita (v3.0.2)
Anahita Social Networking Platform
- willdurand/js-translation-bundle (v2.1.0)
A pretty nice way to expose your translation messages to your JavaScript.
- nodge/yii2-eauth (2.2.1)
Yii2 EAuth Extension. EAuth allows to authenticate users with accounts on other websites (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc).
- task/task (v0.1.2)
PHP task runner
- rican7/mathematician (0.1.1)
A PHP mathematics library for simpler, more reliable math operations... even on big numbers
- vojtech-dobes/nette-forms-gpspicker (v1.1.1)
Google Maps based picker of coordinates for Nette Framework.
- latrell/captcha (1.0.2, 1.0.1)
Captcha Package for Laravel 4
- latrell/smarty (1.0)
This package lets you run Smarty3 on Laravel4 elegantly.
- ydle/hub-bundle (0.5.19)
Ydle Main Bundle
- mattyg/meta (2.1.6, 2.1.5, 2.1.4)
A package that makes it easy to add meta tags to your views.
- nqxcode/search-engine (v1.0.8)
Search engine based on Zend Lucene.
- mekras/bedoved (v1.3.0)
Easy error handling