Recent releases from the Packagist:
- srtfisher/lockdown-wp-admin (2.2-beta1)
WordPress Plugin to hide login and admin URLs when not logged into WordPress.
- tomcorbett/opentok-laravel (v1.0.0)
A laravel bundle for the OpenTok PHP SDK
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer (2.0.0a2, 1.5.3)
PHP_CodeSniffer tokenises PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.
- travi/framework (0.7.0)
web framework
- felds/code-generator-bundle (v0.1.0)
Generate random strings.
- hashbang/reflib (v1.1.3)
PHP module for managing a variety of citation reference libraries
- stevethomas/paypal-ipn (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
A composer compatible PHP >=5.3.0 PayPal IPN Listener.
- thefox/phpcsrs (v1.2.0, v1.1.0, v1.0.0, v0.1.0, v0.0.0)
TheFox' PHPCS Ruleset
- ciims-modules/install (2.0.4)
The installation module for CiiMS
- codeception/codeception (2.0.0-RC)
BDD-style testing framework
- erusev/parsedown (1.0.0-rc.4, 1.0.0-rc.3)
Parser for Markdown.
- netglue/zf2-money-module (0.1.1)
ZF2 Module that bundles Sebastian Bergmans money library and at some point will do other things too...
- rocker/server (1.3.0)
Boilerplate that helps you write RESTful web services on top of Slim framework (
- smalot/magento-client (v0.5.2)
Magento API Client (SOAP v1). Allows wrappers for each call, dependency injections and code completion.
- thefox/hashcash (v1.2.0)
Hashcash implementation in PHP.
- thefox/utilities (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Collection of usefull PHP utilities.
- hirevoice/neo4jphp-ogm (v0.5.0)
Doctrine2-style entity mapper for Neo4j graph database
- byscripts/static-entity (0.1.4, 0.1.3, 0.1.2)
Provide some kind of static entities
- graham-campbell/htmlmin (v1.1.1)
HTMLMin Is A Simple HTML Minifier For Laravel 4.1
- amnah/yii2-user (2.0.0-alpha2)
Yii 2 user authentication module
- jenssegers/rollbar (v1.1.0)
Rollbar error monitoring integration for Laravel projects
- dreamfactory/lib-php-common-platform (1.5.11, 1.5.10)
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Components Library/SDK for PHP
- thn/twitter-bundle (v1.0.1)
Symfony FOSTwitterBundle
- opis/http-routing (2.1.2)
Extendable and fully serializable HTTP routing library for PHP 5.3+
- lavender/lavender (v0.3.0, v0.2.1)
jade-esque templates for PHP 5.3
- laracasts/validation (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0)
Easy validation for Laravel applications.
- easyframework/collections (v2.0.0)
Easy Framework Collection Component
- enko/morecms (0.0.2)
A simple flat file CMS based on Symfony2 components.
- irestful/bookidentifiers (14.04.30)
- kalaomer/knot (v1.1.0)
Array Object for PHP
- zfcampus/zf-deploy (1.0.0-beta3)
Deployment tool for ZF2 application
- condenast/pangea (1.1.67)
- zfcampus/zf-console (1.0.0-beta3)
Library for creating and dispatching console commands
- zfcampus/zf-apigility-admin (1.0.0-beta3)
Apigility Admin module
- vube/vagrant-boxer (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Create re-usable base boxes for Vagrant
- psi/news4ward_mostread (2.0.0)
Read hit counter for News4ward
- phpmentors/validator-bundle (v0.0.3, v0.0.2, v0.0.1)
Extra Validator for Symfony
- mapshub/t-cache (v1.0)
Library that provides caching table data for fast search and indexing
- webfactory/exceptions-bundle (4.0.0)
A simple controller to display error pages during development plus some building blocks for more user-friendly error pages.
- sonata-project/seo-bundle (1.1.7)
Symfony SonataSeoBundle
- algolia/algoliasearch-client-php (1.1.9)
Algolia Search API Client for PHP
- irestful/concreteentitycontrollers (13.11.28)
- kleiram/axon (v0.1.0)
Easy torrent search engine using multiple torrent sites
- myclabs/acl (1.1.0)
ACL library for Doctrine
- dingo/api (v0.2.0)
A RESTful API package for the Laravel framework.
- tanker/tanker (v1.1.0)
Tanker is an object container with singleton pattern realization
- anahkiasen/fakable (1.1.1)
Allows the creation and seeding of fake Eloquent models
- arcavias/arcavias-core (2014.03.3)
e-commerce framework for web shops, portals and market places
- clippings/composer-init (0.2.2, 0.2.1)
Initialize a composer package based on a template package
- brighttalk/acs-query-builder-bundle (0.1.0)
Integration of Amazon Cloud Search Query Builder library into the symfony2 framework
- irestful/productidentifiers (14.04.30)
- concerto/comms (v0.1)
Library for Inter-Process Communications using Unix domain sockets.
- freyskeyd/laravel-phantom (0.0.3, 0.0.2)
- mathiasverraes/magictree (0.4.1)
DSL for building trees
- cargomedia/cm (1.17.0)
- freemany/fy (v0.0.1)
- justimmo/php-sdk (1.0.4)
- symfony-cmf/menu-bundle (1.1.0-RC3)
Symfony CMF Menu Bundle
- ipcmedia/flipboard-rss-feed (1.0.4)
Flipboard RSS Feed
- phundament/p3extensions (0.18.0)
Phundament 3 Core Extensions
- phpunit/phpunit (4.0.19, 3.7.37)
The PHP Unit Testing framework.
- ibrows/association-resolver-bundle (1.0.4)
Resolve relations over annotations
- ibrows/be-simple-deployment-bundle (1.1.4)
Symfony2 applications deployment made easy
- shvetsgroup/parallelrunner (v1.0)
Parallel runner extension for Behat
- ibrows/php-airbrake-bundle (1.0.9)
This helps binds the php-airbrake module into a Symfony2 bundle for easy use with the framework.
- ibrows/simplecms-bundle (4.1.2)
Symfony Simple CMS Bundle
- ibrows/import-bundle (1.1.6)
Manage generic Import over annotations
- ibrows/annotation-reader (1.0.4)
Base Annotation-Reader as enhanced Doctrine Annotation Reader
- ibrows/sonata-translation-bundle (1.0.7)
Integration of lexik translation into sonata admin
- hisorange/browser-detect (1.0.1)
Browser & Mobile detection package for Laravel 4.
- ibrows/wizard-annotation-bundle (1.0.4)
Simple wizard for a controller with validation methods
- clippings/env-backup (0.2.5)
Backup/restore environment variables: globals, static vars, configs
- phpmd/phpmd (2.0.0-beta.7)
Official version of PHPMD handled with Composer.
- tdt/triples (v1.0.0)
- g4/tasker (0.5.3)
Application asynchronous tasks manager and runner, cron-like PHP implementation
- appsco/component-assertion-voter (1.0.0-RC1)
- pauldevelop/library-persistance (0.0.2, 0.0.1)
Library to handle persistance.
- league/flysystem (0.4.2)
Filesystem abstraction, but easy.
- tweedegolf/symfony-okoa (v0.10.2, v0.10.1, v0.10.0)
Symfony okoa base project
- felixkiss/database (v0.4.0)
A simple wrapper around PDO
- amcsi/amysql (v1.1.1)
A MySQL(i) wrapper for PHP 5.2 and higher with useful tools and no extension dependencies.
- yohang/finite (1.0.2)
A simple PHP5.3+ Finite State Machine
- kunstmaan/form-bundle (v2.3.11)
Managing forms, fields and their submissions by the user is a key functionality missing in most platforms. By leveraging the KunstmaanPagePartBundle system in the KunstmaanFormBundle users gain an easy way to create and manage the form on their website, again without having to worry about the technical side of things.
- byscripts/form-handler-bundle (0.5.0)
A simple bundle to handle form submission to lighten the controllers
- pauldevelop/library-modeling-entities (0.0.3, 0.0.2, 0.0.1)
Library to model entities.
- vivify-ideas/acl (v1.0.0-RC6)
ACL component for Laravel 4
- phpunit/php-code-coverage (2.0.6)
Library that provides collection, processing, and rendering functionality for PHP code coverage information.
- concerto/http-resolver (v0.1)
Library for manipulating and resolving HTTP requests using regular expressions.
- hostnet/entity-plugin-lib (1.2.1)
Installer for all the Hostnet Doctrine entity libraries
- asoc/dadatata-bundle (0.2.0)
Preconfigured filters and variators.
- mpalourdio/mpa-custom-doctrine-hydrator (0.1.0)
Simple Doctrine ORM Factory module that handles DateTime hydration
- bit3/contao-meta-palettes (1.6.1)
MetaPalettes extension for Contao OpenSource CMS
- innova/path-bundle (v1.3.1)
Claroline Path Bundle
- claroline/net-theme-bundle (1.0.3) theme
- mysqldump-factory/mysqldump-factory (2.0.0)
Fully tested, mysqldump factory for PHP 5.2.17, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5
- mpalourdio/mpa-firephp-wrapper (0.1.0)
Lightweight ZF2 module that wraps firephp. Provides a view helper and a controller plugin. Easily configurable and usable
- studio4s/bedrock (1.2.3)
A modern WordPress stack