Recent releases from the Packagist:
- titon/utility (0.13.1)
The Titon utility package provides convenience classes for basic tasks like validation, formatting, sanitization and more.
- nubs/vectorix (v1.0.0)
A vector library.
- vnn/keyper (v1.1.0, v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Do things based on the presence of a key
- spatie/googlesearch (0.1.0)
Get searchresults from a Google Custom Search Engine
- ac/web-services-bundle (0.3.5)
Provides tools for developing RESTful APIs.
- ac/transcoding-bundle (0.4.3, 0.4.2)
Provides container services for using the AC Transcoding component in your Symfony2 project.
- kohana-modules/phery (2.7.2)
PHP to jQuery FULL mapping, seamless ajax integration and partial rendering views
- vube/vagrant-catalog (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Vagrant Cloud-like catalog for use on your private network
- scrivo/highlight.php (v8.0)
A port of highlight.js by Ivan Sagalaev to PHP
- sheadawson/silverstripe-zenvalidator (0.2.2)
Faster, easier client and server-side form validation for SilverStripe
- phery/phery (2.7.2)
XAJAX alternative, phery.js is a library in PHP that maps to all jQuery functions, DOM manipulation, meta arguments and serialization, seamless ajax integration, RESTful emulation, form submission and partial rendering views, plus its PSR-0 compatible
- bpez/infuse (3.0.7, 3.0.6)
Infuse is a laravel admin package for generating administration style interfaces
- mongator/mongator-bundle (v1.1.0)
Bundle to use Mongator with Symfony2
- wms/symfony-wms-edition (v2.3.13, v2.4.4)
Wolf Microsystems' Symfony2 Framework distribution
- mikejestes/ornamental (0.2.1)
A library to send templated transactional emails, and easily test.
- spatie/browsershot (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Convert a webpage to an image
- tackk/cartographer (1.0.2, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)
A PHP sitemap generation tool.
- suramon/simple-xml-reader (1.1.0)
The power of SimpleXmlElement, combined with the resource-friendliness of XmlReader
- sammaye/mongoyii (4.2.0)
A Yii MongoDB ORM
- laravel/envoy (v1.0.16, v1.0.15, v1.0.14, v1.0.13, v1.0.12)
Elegant SSH tasks for PHP.
- apnet/functional-test-bundle (1.1.4)
Apnet Functional test bundle
- jonhoo/laravel-former (0.4.1)
Laravel form library
- fool/octopt (0.1.0)
PHP Option Parser
- nedwave/facebook-bundle (v1.2, v1.1)
Nedwave Facebook Bundle use with Nedwave UserBundle
- ac/transcoding (0.4.3)
File transcoding abstraction component for PHP 5.3+.
- pauldevelop/library-common (1.0.7, 1.0.6)
Commonly used classes.
- pauldevelop/library-xml (0.0.1)
Library to parse xml files.
- gourmet/robo (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
A simple shell to wrap around codegyre/robo.
- theantichris/wp-plugin-framework (1.0.1, 0.1.0)
A framework for building WordPress plugins.
- kirsten-roschanski/contao-avatar (3.2.2, 3.2.1)
- voceconnect/voce-seo (0.3.2)
- luismayta/yoson (1.0.0)
Implementación del Framework Yoson in PHP
- gleez/gravatar (1.0.0)
A lightweight PHP library providing easy gravatar integration
- tigefa4u/ (v3.1.4)
tigefa jekyll template site
- pauldevelop/library-modeling-xml (0.0.1)
Library to model xml data.
- vehikl/faktory (v0.1)
An attempt at bringing the wonders of Ruby's FactoryGirl to PHP
- concerto/text-expressions (v0.4)
Library of text expression engines, for searching, replacing and testing text.
- moszkva/fileuploader (v1.2, v1.1, v1.0)
- mimmi20/wurfl (1.2.1)
the Wurfl PHP Library for PHP 5.3
- ocramius/ocra-cached-view-resolver (1.1.0)
Cached view template path resolver to speed up the ZF2 view layer by avoiding stat calls
- toadsuck/core (1.2.0)
Front controller and other core libraries used by the Toadsuck project.
- smalot/magento-client (v0.5.3)
Magento API Client (SOAP v1). Allows wrappers for each call, dependency injections and code completion.
- crodas/tiny-form (v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
Tiny library to render forms
- boltphp/core (0.6.5)
Bolt framework Core
- braincrafted/background-process (v0.4)
Start processes in the background that continue running when the PHP process exists.
- cocur/background-process (v0.4)
Start processes in the background that continue running when the PHP process exists.
- rsanchez/deep (1.0.2)
A set of Eloquent models for ExpressionEngine Channel Entries.
- mikulas/lattecs (v0.3.0-beta, v0.2.0-beta, v0.1.0-beta, v0.1.0-alpha)
Coding standard validator for Latte templates
- kartik-v/yii2-widgets (v2.5.0, v2.4.0)
Collection of useful widgets for Yii Framework 2.0 extending functionalities for Bootstrap
- maer/google-auth (0.3.1)
Laravel 4 wrapper for the league/oauth2-client package. Simple white/blacklist specific e-mails or entire domains.
- eventhorizon/page-bundle (v0.1.2)
- deefour/aide (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
- vube/php-filesystem (
PHP classes for working with files and the file system
- vube/vagrant-boxer (0.2.0)
Create re-usable base boxes for Vagrant
- irestful/genders (14.04.30)
- glynnforrest/temping (0.5.0)
Work with temporary files and folders easily across OSes.
- heliopsis/ezforms-bundle (1.1.0)
Symfony forms handling within eZPublish contents
- intahwebz/weaver (0.1.3)
An experiment in compositional programming.
- task/task (v0.3.0)
PHP task runner
- archfizz/phpairplay (v0.0.1)
- akeneo/connector-mapping-bundle (v1.0.0-BETA1)
- kaishiyoku/extended-validation (0.3.1, 0.3.0)
Additional validation rules for Laravel
- mimmi20/file-loader (1.2.1)
a class to load remote or local files
- ilya/belt (2.0.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.0)
A handful of tools for PHP devs
- janus-ssp/php-x509-validate (1.0.2, 1.0.1)
Validate X.509 (SSL) certificates using the 'openssl' command line library.
- baum/baum (1.0.10)
Baum is an implementation of the Nested Set pattern for Eloquent models.
- riimu/kit-classloader (v4.0.0)
PSR-0 and PSR-4 compatible class autoloader
- irestful/completenames (14.04.30)
- intahwebz/jig (0.9.1)
Lightweight, fast, flexible PHP templating system. Just like all the others.
- siriusphp/validation (1.2.1)
Data validation library. Validate arrays, array objects, domain models etc using a simple API. Easily add your own validators on top of the already dozens built-in validation rules
- dreamscapes/ldap-core (0.1.0-beta.2)
Object encapsulation of PHP's native ldap functions
- mimmi20/wurflcache (1.2.1)
the Cache Classes for the Wurfl PHP Library for PHP 5.3
- jenssegers/rollbar (v1.3.0)
Rollbar error monitoring integration for Laravel projects
- voceconnect/wp-generate-new-image-sizes (1.2)
Generates newly sized images upon request of new registered image size
- rezzza/model-violation-logger-bundle (v1.1.6, 1.1.6)
Log violations from a model.
- dmitrymomot/php-session (v1.0.1)
Simple package for work with sessions
- rikiless/breadcrumb-component (0.9.0)
Basic component rendering breadcrumb for websites using Nette Framework
- orlandotm/payment-webfont (0.9.1, 0.9.0)
An SVG webfont full of main payment system icons
- slevomat/sglogistics-api (1.24)
SG Logistics client API Library
- rodgermd/sftools-bundle (v0.4.4)
Usefull tools, widgets etc
- devello/reflection (0.5.5)
Reflection extensions
- mockery/mockery (0.9.1)
Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing with PHPUnit, PHPSpec or any other testing framework. Its core goal is to offer a test double framework with a succint API capable of clearly defining all possible object operations and interactions using a human readable Domain Specific Language (DSL). Designed as a drop in alternative to PHPUnit's phpunit-mock-objects library, Mockery is easy to integrate with PHPUnit and can operate alongside phpunit-mock-objects without the World ending.
- webforge/dom (1.0.0)
A very very very very very simple aproach to build an api like jquery for html (testing) in php
- jenssegers/raven (v1.1.0, v1.0.1)
Sentry (Raven) error monitoring integration for Laravel projects
- concerto/http-workers (v0.2, v0.1)
Library for managing a pool of HTTP servers.
- burgov/key-value-form-bundle (1.0.0)
A form type for managing key-value pairs
- concerto/directory-monitor (v0.1)
Library for monitoring a directory for changes using Inotify.
- cargomedia/cm (1.19.0, 1.18.1)
- zoomlab/easyajax (v0.3.2)
Makes ajax in WordPress ridiculously simple.
- dingo/api (v0.2.3, v0.2.2)
A RESTful API package for the Laravel framework.
- contao/core (3.3.RC1)
Contao Open Source CMS
- bartlett/php-compatinfo (3.1.0)
Find out the minimum version and the extensions required for a piece of code to run
- stage1/docker-php (v0.1.0)
A Docker PHP client
- ofat/yii2-yashop-ses (v1.0.0)
Extension for sending emails via amazon ses
- horse/horse (1.1.0)
Powerful symfony/console wrapper
- sheillendra/ext-mongo (1.5.1)
MongoDB PHP Extension / Module
- matycz/lemo-grid (1.0.3)
- lelesys/plugin-newsletter (1.0.2)
Newsletter plugin for TYPO3 Neos.
- horse/app (1.0.0)
Some boilerplate for your Horse application
- phpunit/phpunit (4.0.20, 4.1.0)
The PHP Unit Testing framework.
- phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects (2.1.0)
Mock Object library for PHPUnit
- gourmet/whoops (0.1.0)
Whoops for CakePHP 3
- danibrutal/forker (v1.0.1)
A structured , safe, and easiest way to perform tasks parallely in PHP
- flock3/klogger (1.0.1)
A Simple Logging Class
- anlutro/l4-controller (0.3.2)
Base Laravel 4 controller classes.
- volcanus/security (1.2.1)
- radnan/rdn-trailing-slash (v1.0.0)
Zend Framework 2 module to trim trailing slashes from requests
- nkt/flame (v0.2.0)
The PDO wrapper with comfortable API for placeholders
- spindle/view (0.0.1)
simple layout renderer
- concerto/comms (v0.4)
Library for Inter-Process Communications using Unix domain sockets.