Recent releases from the Packagist:
- philipsnyder/armrest (0.0.1)
Active Record implementation with REST API, cache hooks, history, revisions, and much more to come soon.
- xj/snoopy (2.0.0)
- kohkimakimoto/earray (v2.2.0)
EArray is a small PHP class to provide convenient ways to access a PHP array.
- scan/kss-bundle (v0.6.1, v0.6.0)
A Symfony2 implementation of KSS: a methodology for documenting CSS and generating styleguides
- scan/kss-php (v0.8.3, v0.8.2, v0.8.1, v0.8.0)
A PHP implementation of KSS: a methodology for documenting CSS and generating styleguides
- pingpong/modules (1.0.10)
Laravel 4 - Simple Modules
- bpez/infuse (3.1.1, 3.1.0)
Infuse is a laravel admin package for generating administration style interfaces
- bpez/munee (1.5.21)
Standalone PHP 5.3 Asset Optimisation & Manipulation - On-The-Fly Image Resizing, On-the-fly LESS, SCSS, CoffeeScript Compiling, CSS & JavaScript Combining/Minifying, and Smart Client Side and Server Side Caching
- aracademia/repo-generator (1.1)
- buskamuza/product-community-edition (0.1.0-alpha100)
eCommerce Platform for Growth (Community Edition)
- uecode/segment-io-php (1.0.0)
A PHP library for reporting events to the API
- guzzlehttp/progress-subscriber (1.1.0)
Emits upload and download progress events
- c33s/core-bundle (v0.101.0)
everything to quickstart a webpage
- naonaox1126/vizualizer_twitter (v1.3.23, v1.3.22, v1.3.21)
Visual Framework in PHP
- c33s/static-page-content-bundle (v2.0.0)
Easy serving of Static Page Content with Symfony using Twig Templates
- restgalleries/restgalleries (0.4.9)
Is an API Client interface for interact with restful services like Flickr between others image web services.
- synapsestudios/synapse-base (v0.2.3)
Base code for the API template
- tuurbo/amazon-payment (1.0)
Login and Pay with Amazon
- drupal/tangler (0.1.5)
- igormatkovic/livelogger (0.0.6, 0.0.5, 0.0.4, 0.0.2, 0.0.1)
Log and display you app live to your developers
- ts/mailer (v2.0.1)
Simple wrapper around Swiftmailer.
- ticketevolution/ticketevolution-php (2.1.4)
A PHP 5.3+ library for the Ticket Evolution API.
- fut/connectors (v1.0.2)
Connectors for Fifa Ultimate Team.
- auth0/login (1.0.6, 1.0.5)
Laravel plugin that helps authenticate with the auth0 service
- moon/properties (0.3)
- magento/magento-composer-installer (0.1.1)
Composer installer for Magento modules
- payum/jms-payment-bridge (0.10.0)
This bridge allows you to use jms payment plugins but in payum like way.
- payum/payum-yii-extension (0.10.0, 0.9.3, 0.9.4)
Rich payment solutions for Yii framework. Paypal, payex,, be2bill, omnipay, recurring paymens, instant notifications and many more
- thefox/imapd (v0.1.0)
IMAP server in PHP.
- chadicus/exceptions (v2.2.1, v2.2.0)
Collection of exception class and utilities
- acelaya/zf2-acqrcode (v0.1.0)
QR Code generation module for Zend Framework 2 based on Endroid QR code
- tijsverkoyen/css-to-inline-styles (1.5.2)
CssToInlineStyles is a class that enables you to convert HTML-pages/files into HTML-pages/files with inline styles. This is very useful when you're sending emails.
- fuzaylov/bootstrap (0.1.1)
Helper library to create Bootstrap html fields
- guzzlehttp/command (0.5.0)
Provides the foundation for building command based web service clients
- drparham/reservations (1.0.1)
A Simple Reservation Package that blocks dates out and creates JSON object to incorporate with JavaScript Calendar Systems such as fullCalendar
- c33s/menu-bundle (v0.10.0)
routing-based menu system for symfony2
- elcodi/bamboo-admin (v0.2.0)
Bamboo Admin, an ecommerce admin tool built on Elcodi
- elcodi/elcodi (v0.2.1.1, v0.2.1, v0.2)
Barebones Ecommerce functionality for Symfony
- elcodi/attribute-bundle (v0.2.1.1, v0.2)
Elcodi Attribute component
- typo3-ter/lp-fussballde (3.0.9)
Bindet Begegnungen und Spielplaene von ueber JavaScript ein. Anmeldung auf ist noetig!
- shina/control-my-budget (0.8.0)
Control My Budget
- aztech/php-skeleton-project (v0.2.0)
Skeleton for PHP projects
- moment/moment (2.8.1)
Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.
- timrwood/moment (2.8.1)
Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.
- amnah/yii2-user (2.1.0-alpha4)
Yii 2 user authentication module
- magento/product-community-edition (0.1.0-alpha89)
- payum/payum-laravel-package (0.10.0)
Rich payment solutions for Laravel framework. Paypal, payex,, be2bill, omnipay, recurring paymens, instant notifications and many more
- c33s/attachment-admin-bundle (v0.4.0)
Attach files to any (Propel) object using Symfony2
- zurb/foundation (v5.3.3)
The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world.
- c33s/simple-content-bundle (v0.10.0)
routing-based menu system for symfony2
- madeyourday/contao-rocksolid-custom-elements (v1.2.1)
Create your own, nestable content elements using a modular system. End the WYSIWYG chaos with your own content elements.
- thefox/phpcsrs (v1.4.0)
TheFox' PHPCS Ruleset.
- thefox/smtpd (v0.1.0)
SMTP server in PHP.
- becklyn/gluggi-app (v1.0.0-RC2)
Standalone runnable app which implements becklyn/gluggi
- ovr/phalcony (0.1.3)
Library for expansion the base functional of Phalcon framework.
- skullyframework/skully (v0.1.7)
Simple framework by trio digital agency.
- lucatume/wp-routing (2.0.1)
An attempt at Laravel-like routing in WordPress
- c33s/attachment-bundle (v0.4.0)
Attach files to any (Propel) object using Symfony2
- becklyn/gluggi (v1.0-rc)
A tool which helps with developing templates in isolation
- akeneo/pim-community-standard (v1.2.0-RC1)
The "Akeneo Community Standard Edition" distribution
- samokspv/cakephp-pdf-generator (1.0.4)
Adds button pdf generation to the page for task pdf generation (get data from current url, format json)
- bread/rest (v0.6.20)
Bread REST framework
- bread/helpers (v0.3.1)
Bread helpers libreary
- lucatume/tdd-helpers (2.2.0)
TDD helpers for PHP 5.2
- sensiolabs/ansi-to-html (v1.1.0)
A library to convert a text with ANSI codes to HTML
- fml/notification-bundle (v1.3.0)
Library which help you to send notification via different channels wrapped to Symfony2 bundle
- echo-it/laravel-jsonapi (v1.2.5)
- fml/notification (v1.5.0)
Library which help you to send notification via different channels
- complyadvantage/php-compliance-api (0.6.1)
PHP wrapper for the ComplyAdvantage Sanctions API
- complyadvantage/php-sanctions-api (0.6.1)
PHP wrapper for the ComplyAdvantage Sanctions API
- aspl/admin-bundle (v1.0.2)
Readymade admin for startup
- modulargaming/modulargaming (v1.1.1)
Basic Modular Gaming application.
- sylouuu/php-curl (0.7.0)
Lightweight PHP cURL wrapper
- hipaway-travel/mandrill-bundle (v1.0.2)
Symfony HipMandrillBundle
- modulargaming/theme-default (v1.1.1)
Default frontend theme for Modular Gaming
- modulargaming/user (v1.1.1)
Users module for Modular Gaming
- modulargaming/pet (v1.1.1)
Pet module for Modular Gaming
- modulargaming/payment (v0.2)
Payment module for Modular Gaming
- modulargaming/message (v1.1.1)
Message (PM) module for Modular Gaming
- modulargaming/item (v1.1.1)
Item module for Modular Gaming
- modulargaming/game (v1.1.1)
Game module for Modular Gaming
- elcodi/bamboo-store (v0.2)
Bamboo Project, an ecommerce built on Elcodi
- managewp/static-code-analysis-tools (v0.3.1, v0.2.0, v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
Tools for PHP code analisys - PHP Mess Detector, PHP Code Sniffer (+ Symfony2 rule), PHP Coding Standard Fixer
- elcodi/cart-bundle (v0.2.1, v0.2)
Elcodi Cart component
- scaytrase/symfony-sms-interface (0.2.0-beta15)
Symfony2 Bundle with simple interface for sending sms
- scaytrase/symfony-websms-bundle (0.2.0-beta8)
Symfony2 Bundle for sending SMS via websms provider
- kunstmaan/admin-bundle (v2.3.29)
The Kunstmaan Admin bundle supplies your project with a basic, elegant backend interface you can modify and extend so you can make your perfect admin module. The clean interface makes it straightforward for you and the people working with it to change settings and modify content.
- tijsverkoyen/uitdatabank (1.0.0)
PHP UitDatabank is a (wrapper)class to communicate with the UitDatabank Webservices.
- rampage-php/framework (1.1.0)
Rampage PHP Framework based on Zend Framework 2
- elcodi/bamboo-fixtures (v0.2)
Bamboo Fixtures
- sybio/image-workshop (2.0.6)
Powerful PHP class using GD library to work easily with images including layer notion (like Photoshop or GIMP)
- modulargaming/core (v1.1.1)
Core module for Modular Gaming
- romeo7/rock (1.0.0-beta.1)
The Rock PHP framework
- elcodi/geo-bundle (v0.2)
Elcodi Geo component
- elcodi/language-bundle (v0.2)
Elcodi Language component
- elcodi/media-bundle (v0.2)
Elcodi Media component
- elcodi/menu-bundle (v0.2)
Elcodi Menu component
- elcodi/newsletter-bundle (v0.2)
Elcodi Newsletter component
- elcodi/product-bundle (v0.2)
Elcodi Product component
- elcodi/referral-program-bundle (v0.2)
Elcodi ReferralProgram component
- elcodi/rule-bundle (v0.2)
Elcodi Rule component
- elcodi/user-bundle (v0.2)
Elcodi User component
- elcodi/banner-bundle (v0.2)
Elcodi Banner component
- elcodi/cart-coupon-bundle (v0.2)
Elcodi Cart-Coupon bridge component
- elcodi/coupon-bundle (v0.2)
Elcodi Coupon component
- elcodi/currency-bundle (v0.2)
Elcodi Currency component
- avisota/core (1.1.4, 1.1.3)
Avisota mailing system core components
- imbo/imbo (1.2.1)
RESTful image server that handles image storage/transformations and metadata
- soramugi/google-drive-client-php (0.1.2)
- dariushha/zinux (5.4.5)
A simple and lightweight but powerful framework supporting MVC design pattern
- soramugi/google-api (0.6.2)
Google API library for PHP
- bgcc/sf-bootstrap-propel-admin-theme-plugin (1.0.2)
A bootstrap based admin generator theme for symfony 1 with propel 1.6+
- contao-community-alliance/events-cron (1.0.1)
Cron event for Contao Open Source CMS
- payum/payum-module (0.10.0)
Rich payment solutions for zend framework2. Paypal, payex,, be2bill, omnipay, recurring paymens, instant notifications and many more
- takeatea/tea-theme-options (v1.4.1.3)
Simple, easy to use and fully integrated Theme Options for Wordpress.
- mmlinks/location-php-api (v0.0.1-beta)
PHP API for location data from
- jeremysells/templar (1.0.0)
PHP Template Engine based on Output Buffering
- predis/predis (v1.0.0, v0.8.7)
Flexible and feature-complete PHP client library for Redis
- knplabs/knp-menu-bundle (v2.0.0)
This bundle provides an integration of the KnpMenu library
- ice/form-bundle (1.11.5)
Bundle providing forms and business logic for course registrations.
- omerta-game-ltd/ponionoo (0.3)
A php api for onionoo, it allows you to get all tor related information
- knplabs/knp-menu (v2.0.1)
An object oriented menu library
- felixarntz/responsive-video-shortcodes (1.2.3)
This tiny plugin allows you to embed online video from YouTube, Vimeo and more media for a responsive layout - they scale according to the screen size.
- duncan3dc/sql-class (1.3.4)
A group of classes that provide a simple database abstraction layer, and an on disk caching facility
- phobetor/rabbitmq-supervisor-bundle (1.1.6)
Symfony 2 bundle to automatically create and update supervisor configurations for RabbitMQ consumer daemons
- erdiko/erdiko (0.8.2, 0.8.1)
Enterprise Glue (Micro MVC)
- erdiko/core (0.8.2, 0.8.1, 0.8.0)
Enterprise Glue (Micro MVC)
- willdurand/propel-geocodable-behavior (1.2.1)
The GeocodableBehavior helps you build geo-aware applications. It automatically geocodes your models when they are saved, giving you the ability to search by location and calculate distances between records.
- angelleye/paypal-php-library (v2.0.2)
PHP wrapper for PayPal APIs
- payum/payum-bundle (0.10.0)
Rich payment solutions for symfony2. Paypal, payex,, be2bill, omnipay, recurring payments, instant notifications and many more
- sprain/newsparser (0.2.1)
A php library to parse recommended article from
- xj/yii2-uploadify-widget (3.2.1)
- fobiaweb/database (v0.2.7)
Fobia DataBase Component
- openbuildings/jam-tart (0.3.0)
Admin Builder for Kohana, using Jam ORM
- nlmdev/hoard (v0.1.2, 0.1.1, v0.1.0)
A PSR-compliant caching library for holding objects in nested pools with scripting ability.
- andytruong/serializer (v0.1.1)
Very simple library to serialize/unserialize PHP objects.
- geocoder-php/geocoder-extra (v1.2.0)
Geocoder extra features.