The SitePoint PHP blog has posted the second part of their IronMQ and Laravel series, part 3: IronMQ and Laravel: Delays and Retries. In this latest post Rajiv Seelam looks at how to get the Laravel-based application to overcome some of the limitations of the system.
Previously, we saw how to use Iron push queues with Laravel. All we needed to do was set up an Iron account, add a subscriber URL, push a message to queue, and receive the message. The way Laravel supports Iron push queues out-of-the-box is amazing, but there are always limitations. In this article we focus on those limitations and learn to tackle them.
He briefly talks about the three different scenarios: the happy path where everything works, the job fails and the job being a long running process. He then walks you through code that covers each of these scenarios using subscribers and the IronMQ PHP library for successful handling. He shows the push of a message then how to handle delays and retries, defining them in the job configuration.