The PHP development group has officially release the latest in the PHP 5.4.x series today - PHP 5.4.33. This is largely a bugfix release, but all users are encouraged to update to this latest version.
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 5.4.33. 10 bugs were fixed in this release. All PHP 5.4 users are encouraged to upgrade to this version. This release is the last planned release that contains regular bugfixes. All the consequent releases will contain only security-relevant fixes, for the term of one year. PHP 5.4 users that need further bugfixes are encouraged to upgrade to PHP 5.6 or PHP 5.5.
Updates in this release include bugs fixed in the OpenSSL handling, the GD graphics functionality and the language core. As always, the latest source for this version can be downloaded from the main downloads page or from for Windows users. If you're in interested in the full set of changes, check out the Changelog for the release.