Recent releases from the Packagist:
- keboola/json-parser (0.1.16, 0.1.15, 0.1.14)
Keboola JSON to CSV parser
- megamitch/megamitch-philippines (1.2.0, 1.1.0)
Official website of Mega Mitch Credit, Inc. Philippines
- uthando-cms/uthando-common (1.10.1)
Common class module for Uthando CMS
- megamitch/mot-attendance (1.0.0rc2, 1.0.0rc1)
Daily Transaction Report for Mega Mitch Credit, Inc. employees
- eightpoints/guzzle-wsse-plugin (v2.0.2)
WSSE Plugin for Guzzle, a PHP HTTP client library and framework for building RESTful web service clients
- uthando-cms/uthando-file-manager (1.1.6)
File Manager module for Uthando CMS
- jsuggs/amazon-mws-login-and-pay (v1.0.11)
Login and Pay with Amazon
- hellsan631/logosdb (v1.4.10)
A database micro-framework for creating simple DB interaction without the need for a full framework
- megamitch/mot-application (2.0.0rc1)
Application module for Mega Mitch Credit, Inc. Office Tool (MegaOfficeTool) Platform
- laraviet/commander (2.0, 1.0)
Commands and domain events in Laravel
- authbucket/push-php (0.0.24)
Push notifications for mobile devices based on the Symfony Components
- nglasl/silverstripe-extensible-search (1.1.2)
A module for SilverStripe which will allow user customisation and developer extension of a search page instance.
- soundasleep/html2text (0.2.1)
A PHP script to convert HTML into a plain text format
- taviroquai/duality (v1.0.2)
Micro PHP Framework
- dosomething/mb-toolbox (0.2.3, 0.2.2, 0.2.1, 0.2.0)
A library of functionality some of which are DoSomething specific that are shared between the components that make up the Message Broker system:
- danielmewes/php-rql (1.15.1)
A PHP client driver for the RethinkDB query language (ReQL)
- joomla/filter (1.1.4)
Joomla Filter Package
- ppokatilo/services-loader (v1.1.3)
Easier loading of services.d
- components/highlightjs (8.4.0)
Highlight.js highlights syntax in code examples on blogs, forums and in fact on any web pages.
- ppokatilo/elastica-entity-mapping-bundle (v0.4.2)
Automatically updates elasticsearch mappings
- noccylabs/public-ip (, 0.1.0)
Resolve public IP via web APIs
- dericofilho/fmt (5.9.5, 5.9.4, 5.9.3, 5.9.2, 5.9.1, 5.9.0)
A script to automatically fix K&R and PSR-1/2 Coding Standard.
- slim/views (0.1.3)
Smarty and Twig View Parser package for the Slim Framework
- matt-cannon/blm (0.2.2)
Rightmove BLM Parser
- kassko/data-mapper-bundle (v0.8.0.0-alpha)
Integrates data-mapper in Symfony projects.
- components/ember (v1.9.0)
A framework for creating ambitious web applications.
- m6web/redis-bundle (v2.1.0)
bundle sf2 on top of m6web/redis-component
- wemakecustom/wp-mu-required-plugins (v0.1.2, v0.1.1)
Wordpress plugins dependency manager
- wemakecustom/wp-skeleton (v0.6.5)
Wordpress skeleton using composer, bower, plugin dependencies and various config files
- pithstudio/oauth-4-laravel (0.0.1)
OAuth Service Provider for Laravel 4
- ladela/personal-translations-widget-bundle (v0.6.0)
Adds translations widget based on Personal translations
- pithstudio/oauth (1.1)
PHP 5.4+ oAuth 1/2 Library
- cranetm/yii2-json-rpc-2.0 (v1.2.2, v1.2.1)
JSON RPC 2.0 for Yii2 strict type validation of request and response data
- googleads/googleads-php-lib (5.7.0)
Google Ads APIs Client Library for PHP (AdWords, Adx, and DFP)
- logger/essentials (0.1.2)
Advanced logging component library
- wemakecustom/wp-pot-generator (v0.2.2)
Allows to generate POT for plugins and themes and compile PO to MO.
- appserver-io/routlt (0.2.1)
Servlet based micro router and controller implementation.
- zembrion/akamai-edgegrid (v0.1)
Akamai EdgeGrid Developer SDK
- appserver-io/http (0.2.1)
HTTP protocol implementation for usage in server context
- endroid/symfony-application (1.11.1)
Endroid Symfony Application
- dannyvankooten/mailchimp-for-wordpress (2.2)
Easily add sign-up methods for your MailChimp lists to your WordPress site using this WP plugin
- ironkeith/moneris-eselectplus-api (0.1.1)
A much less awful way to access the Moneris eSELECTplus API.
- hatframework/hat-dependences (v0.1.99, v0.1.98, v0.1.97)
- league/event (2.0.0)
Event package
- hatframework/hat-plugin-config (v0.1.3, v0.1.2)
- hatframework/hat-resource-api (v0.3.14)
Resource package integration with aws amazon services
- ctrl/concerto-bundle (v0.8.0)
Multi Tenancy for Symfony + Doctrine
- tannwestlake/formulate (v0.3.0)
Wordpress plugin for building forms in an OO fashion, while integrating nicely with the Wordpress Admin Dashboard.
- jdrich/crier (1.1.1)
An Event Emitter
- substitute/substitute (v1.1)
String replacement based template engine
- lukzgois/repository (1.0)
A simple repository architecture for Laravel.
- alxmsl/primitives (v1.5.0)
Simple library with primitives: sets, queues etc.
- slim/slim (2.5.0)
Slim Framework, a PHP micro framework
- angel/blog (0.0.4)
- irestful/concreteendpoints (13.11.28)
- detailnet/blitline (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Blitline API client
- 2amigos/yii2-google-maps-library (0.1.2)
Google Maps API library for Yii2.
- keboola/php-utils (0.1.13)
Misc utility functions
- keboola/codebuilder (0.1.2, 0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Execute JSON defined user scripts
- joefallon/phpsession (v2.1.1)
- danielgp/exec-po-compilation (1.0.0)
This package is intended to be used to compile localization files stored in PO files resulting in MO files that can be used directly by GetText extension/librry in PHP
- namespace-pgd-app/exec-po-compilation (1.0.3)
This package is intended to be used to compile localization files stored in PO files resulting in MO files that can be used directly by GetText extension/librry in PHP
- joefallon/phpdatabase (v2.0.1)
This package contains simple to use database access layer that eschews the ORM mentality.
- hakito/cakephp-paypal-rest-plugin (v1.2.1)
PayPal plugin for CakePHP using the REST api
- credibility/dandb (v1.0.17)
PHP Wrapper for Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corp. API
- ebussola/common-superpower (1.1.0)
- joefallon/phphttp (v2.0.0)
- mediawiki/semantic-meeting-minutes (0.2.1)
Method of entering meeting minutes into MediaWiki using Semantic Forms and displaying minutes on related pages
- ryprop/nife (0.2.1)
Modern, no-bullshit MVC framework for PHP
- earthit/php-template-project (0.3.1)
PHP Template Project
- earthit/cmip-rest (0.0.84)
Collection-Modifiers-ID-Property REST framework
- earthit/schema (0.1.2)
Schema definition classes
- earthit/php-common (0.0.12)
EarthIT Common PHP Classes
- it2k/fos-user-templates-bundle (1.0)
Templates for FOSUserBundle
- tyler-sommer/nice (0.14.0)
A nice PHP microframework
- nice/framework (0.14.0)
A nice PHP microframework
- mayeco/notifications-bundle (v1.0.0)
2Checkout notifications for Symfony2
- joefallon/kisstest (v1.1.8)
KissTest is a gorgeous and fast unit testing framework for PHP that does not require use of the command line.
- ishan/casemorph (0.0.1)
- hoa/ruler (
The HoaRuler library.
- intersvyaz/yii-tags-dependency (1.0.1)
Verification of the cache relevance based on Dependency mechanism of Yii framework and tags, which are also stored in cache
- fuzzysteve/crestlibrary (1.0.0)
Crest Library for Eve Online
- mediastuttgart/ckeditor (v3.2.0)
AddOn for SallyCMS, integrating the CKEditor
- tbbc/money-bundle (v2.6.0)
This is a Symfony2 bundle that integrates the php money library from Mathias Verraes (Fowler pattern):
- atoum/atoum (1.1.0)
Simple modern and intuitive unit testing framework for PHP 5.3+
- jmbtechnologylimited/rruleunravel (v0.1.0)
- majes/blog-bundle (v1.20.8)
Majes framework Blog bundle
- chencha/pesapal (0.1.1, 0.1.0)
Pesapal Payments Integration
- overblog/activemq-bundle (1.1, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.0.1)
OverBlog ActiveMQ Bundle
- packaged/mappers (0.1.2)
Usability wrapper over Doctrine2
- leaphub/phpcs-symfony2-standard (v2.0.0)
A PHP_CodeSniffer standard for Symfony 2 applications
- samsonos/php_fs (1.1.0)
SamsonPHP file system service
- scalopus/php-skeleton (1.0.0)
Starter project for Test driven development
- pekkis/queue (v0.5.1)
Queue abstraction library
- ddliu/spider (v0.2.5)
Light weight spider for the web.
- thegenielab/brightpearl (0.2.1)
Brightpearl API PHP Guzzle Wrapper
- ddliu/filecache (v0.1.1)
Cache with file system
- cpliakas/git-wrapper (1.4.1)
A PHP wrapper around the Git command line utility.
- tweedegolf/symfony-okoa (v0.13.0)
Symfony okoa base project
- ministryofjustice/opg-core-public-domain-model (,
Domain model for the OPG Core project
- adamstipak/nette-rest-route (2.2.0)
Rest route for Nette Framework
- label305/bugsnag-cakephp (0.1.0)
Bugsnag Notifier for CakePHP applications
- konduto/sdk (v1.1, v1.0)
Konduto Fraud Detection Service PHP SDK
- solution-web/marty (v4.3.0)
Smarty view renderer for the Mako framework
- openbuildings/jam-auth (0.3.0)
This is a Kohana Auth driver, for Jam
- mollie/opencart (5.2.3)
Mollie module for OpenCart
- typo3/cms-base-distribution (6.2.8, 6.2.7, 6.2.6, 6.2.5)
TYPO3 CMS Base Distribution
- ongr/ongr-strict-standard (v1.0.0-beta.5, v1.0.0-beta.4)
Strict PHPCS standard for PSR-2 code based on Squiz standards
- mjaschen/phpgeo (0.2.2)
Simple Geo Library
- paquettg/php-html-parser (1.6.4)
An HTML DOM parser. It allows you to manipulate HTML. Find tags on an HTML page with selectors just like jQuery.
- lionsad/drupal_ti (1.2.0)
Drupal - Travis Integration
- doctorsender/webservice (0.1)
Api to controll doctorsender service
- roumen/feed (v2.8.1)
A simple feed generator for Laravel.
- sofa/revisionable (v0.1.2)
Nice and easy way to handle revisions of your db.
- ibrows/simplecms-bundle (5.2.0, 5.1.1)
Symfony Simple CMS Bundle
- jelito/imager (1.0.0)
- contao-bootstrap/components (1.0.0-rc1)
Bootstrap components for Contao CMS
- rackspace/php-opencloud (v1.12.1)
PHP SDK for Rackspace/OpenStack APIs
- jacksleight/chalk (0.2.4, 0.2.3)
Content management system built on Coast
- happyworm/jplayer (2.9.1)
jPlayer allows you to create a media player with a consistent interface and experience across all browsers.
- dc/sms_pswincom (0.1.5, 0.1.4)
Implementation of PSWinCom's XML API over HTTP(S)
- 10mado/silexcane (1.0.5)
Supporting classes/files for using Silex
- dc/sms (0.1.1)
Interfaces for interchangeable SMS providers (CPA and bulk)
- kinglozzer/multiselectfield (1.1.1, 1.1.0)
A sortable multiple select field for managing many-to-many relations
- beatswitch/lock-laravel (1.0.0-alpha.2)
A Laravel Driver for Lock.
- pragmarx/laravelcs (v0.1.0)
PHP_CodeSniffer custom Sniff for Laravel coding standard
- kevindierkx/view-localization (0.1.0)
Localising views in Laravel
- eve-seat/seat (v0.10.1)
SeAT - Simple EVE Online API Tool
- ibrows/simple-seo-bundle (1.2.5, 1.2.4)
A Symfony2 Bundle to add some SEO functionality
- get-stream/stream (2.0.4)
A PHP client for Stream (
- zeyon/rest (1.4.1, 1.4, 1.3)
A simple utility library to send and receive HTTP requests.
- paolomanca/yii2-fullcalendar (v2.2.3.2)
Widget for Yii Framework 2.0 to use FullCalendar
- intercom/intercom-php (v1.0.0-b7)
Intercom API client built on top of Guzzle 3
- betterbrief/silverstripe-jsconfig (1.0.1)
Create a clean JavaScript data interface between your frontend and your SilverStripe application.
- loopline-systems/closeio-api-wrapper (v0.0.2, 0.0.1)
A PHP wrapper for the Api
- fabianbeiner/php-imdb-grabber (5.5.21)
This class enables you to retrieve data from with PHP.
- openbuildings/purchases (0.6.3, 0.6.2)
Multi Store Purchases
- tivie/htaccess-parser (0.2.1)
A .htaccess parser and validator implemented in PHP
- imsamurai/elasticsearch-source (1.2.4)
Elasticsearch source for CakePHP (HttpSource)
- alioygur/postman2html (v1.3, v1.2, v1.1)
postman collection to html
- asgoodasnu/schutzklickapi (0.4)
Schutzklick Api for Symfony2
- asgoodasnu/afterbuyapi (0.4)
Afterbuy Api for Symfony2
- asgoodasnu/shopifyapi (0.4)
Shopify Api for Symfony2
- skalmi/cakephp-diffbot-datasource (0.0.10)
CakePHP DiffbotSource Plugin with DataSource
- asgoodasnu/guzzlecommandclient (v0.11)
Guzzle Client for Symfony2
- packaged/helpers (0.7.1)
Generic PHP Helper Classes & Functions
- syrup/component-bundle (1.10.8)
Syrup ComponentBundle
- jabli/sexy (0.2.6)
sexy sql expressions
- ricardoper/twitteroauth (v2.0.0)
PHP library to communicate with Twitter OAuth API version 1.1
- nayjest/db-diff (v0.4.0)
Database diff tool for Laravel & MySQL
- ponticlaro/bebop (2.1.4)
Develop WordPress sites faster and more elegantly.
- 3ev/quick-cache-cli (v1.0.1, v1.0.0)
Provide a CLI interface to the Quick Cache Wordpress plugin
- kevbaldwyn/newrelic-fuel (0.2.01, 0.1.1, 0.2)
A simple new relic framework integration for FuelPHP
- devfactory/api (1.0.3, 1.0.2)
RESTful API package
- iphp/filestore-bundle (v0.2.3)
Upload files for doctrine entities in symfony 2 project
- ejz/core (v1.1)
Core is a set of help functions. Added to global scope.
- dooaki/container (0.0.3)
Container operation utilitys
- ibrows/wizard-annotation-bundle (1.1.0)
Simple wizard for a controller with validation methods
- derhasi/toggl2redmine (0.2.1, 0.2.0)
Command line tool to sync toggl time entries to redmine
- duncan3dc/sql-class (1.6.7)
A group of classes that provide a simple database abstraction layer, and an on disk caching facility
- danrevah/shortifypunit (v1.0.2)
PHP Mocking framework
- omnilight/yii2-shopping-cart (1.1.0)
Yii2 extension that adds shopping cart functions
- turnaev/mysql-workbench-schema-exporter (v1.4.1)
MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter
- domnikl/statsd (2.0.1)
a PHP client for statsd
- ibrows/smart-ajax (2.0.4)
Smart Ajax Bundle for to handle your ajax requests
- gitpajo/gmproject (2.0.11)
Urceno pouze pro testovani a zavislosti
- adamlc/address-format (1.3)
A PHP library to parse street addresses to localized formats
- zenify/doctrine-behaviors (v2.0.0)
Port of KnpLabs/DoctrineBehaviors to Nette
- zfr/zfr-stripe (v2.6.0)
PHP library for interacting with the Stripe REST API
- vendor/sharding (v0.3.6)
Sharding module
- cargomedia/cm (1.82.6)
- deminy/behat-rest-testing (1.0.0, v1.0.0)
Demo on how to do feature tests with Behat and how to start writing feature tests for REST APIs.
- barryvdh/elfinder-builds (v2.1.0.1)
File manager for web
- unikent/lib-php-kar (1.0)
- esteit/catalol-api-client (1.4.10)
FPC client
- vkbansal/envfig (v0.7.0)
Loads Environment based configuration
- gnugat/redaktilo (v1.6.0)
Find, insert, replace and remove lines with an Editor-like object
- evolution7/qa-tools (1.0.3)
A collection of Code Quality tools for CI integration, and various git hooks
- happyr/google-analytics-bundle (3.2.0)
The Google Analytics Bundle lets you send data (like event tracking) to Google.
- terah/ldap (1.0.0)
LDAP made easy & practical to use in PHP
- evaengine/evaengine (0.1.5)
A development engine based on Phalcon Framework