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Pay with Bitcoin using Coinbase and Bitpay
Dec 11, 2014 @ 16:29:09

On KodeInfo.com there's a new tutorial posted showing you how to let your users pay with Bitcoin made possible using Coinbase, a Bitcoin wallet service, and BitPay, a payment gateway. Their example is a Laravel-based application.

Today we will learn how to integrate payment with bitcoins , we will integrate coinbase and bitpay to pay with bitcoins .

They walk you through the full process, including getting the accounts set up on the needed services:

  • Setting up Bitpay
  • Setting up Coinbase
  • Creating migrations
  • Views and Routes
  • Config File
  • Creating models
  • Integrating Bitpay
  • Integrating Coinbase

Each step is accompanied by screenshots or code, depending on what steps are needed. If you want to jump to the end, you can also grab the full code directly from GitHub.

tagged: bitcoin coinbase laravel payment gateway tutorial integrate bitpay

Link: http://kodeinfo.com/post/pay-with-bitcoin-using-coinbase-and-bitpay

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