Recent releases from the Packagist:
- garyjl/yii2-simple_html_dom (1.0.1)
Simple HTML DOM parser for Yii 2 framework.
- ins0/google-measurement-php-client (v2.0.0)
Server-Side PHP Client to communicate to Google Analytics over the Google Measurement Protocol
- donlabs/donforms (0.9)
API Wrapper for donForms
- andrebian/pag_seguro (2.1)
CakePHP PagSeguro
- frankperez87/autocheck (v1.0.0)
This API allows you to connect to the AutoCheck system in order to request the vehicle history report for a given VIN.
- piwi/html5-quick-template (v1.2.7)
A simple blank HTML5 template for quick rendering.
- splot/twig-module (0.9.0)
Twig integration with Splot Framework.
- elcodi/elcodi (v0.4.7, v0.4.6)
Barebones Ecommerce functionality for Symfony
- elcodi/bamboo-bundle (v0.4.7, v0.4.6)
Elcodi Bamboo Bundle
- crodas/validator (v0.1.6)
Validation library
- jk/restserver (1.0.0)
A PHP REST server for providing a very light-weight REST API without aweful routing configuration
- truckee/volunteer (1.0.0)
A volunteernon-profit organization matching application
- elcodi/bamboo-admin (v0.4.3)
Bamboo Admin, an ecommerce admin tool built on Elcodi
- elcodi/bamboo-fixtures (v0.4.2)
Bamboo Fixtures
- xenolope/silex-php-di (v0.5.1, v0.5)
- elcodi/menu-bundle (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Menu Bundle
- elcodi/newsletter-bundle (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Newsletter Bundle
- elcodi/product-bundle (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Product Bundle
- elcodi/referral-program-bundle (v0.4.6)
Elcodi ReferralProgram Bundle
- elcodi/rule-bundle (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Rule Bundle
- elcodi/shipping-bundle (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Shipping Bundle
- elcodi/tax-bundle (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Tax Bundle
- elcodi/test-common-bundle (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Test Common Bundle
- elcodi/user-bundle (v0.4.6)
Elcodi User Bundle
- elcodi/banner (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Banner Component
- elcodi/currency (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Currency Component
- elcodi/entity-translator (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Entity Translator Component
- elcodi/menu (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Menu Component
- elcodi/product (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Product Component
- elcodi/rule (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Rule Component
- elcodi/attribute-bundle (v0.4.7, v0.4.6)
Elcodi Attribute Bundle
- elcodi/banner-bundle (v0.4.7, v0.4.6)
Elcodi Banner Bundle
- elcodi/cart-bundle (v0.4.7, v0.4.6)
Elcodi Cart Bundle
- elcodi/currency-bundle (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Currency Bundle
- elcodi/entity-translator-bundle (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Entity Translator Bundle
- elcodi/geo-bundle (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Geo Bundle
- elcodi/language-bundle (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Language Bundle
- elcodi/cart-coupon-bundle (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Cart-Coupon bridge Bundle
- elcodi/configuration-bundle (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Configurationm Bundle
- elcodi/core-bundle (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Core Bundle
- elcodi/coupon-bundle (v0.4.6)
Elcodi Coupon Bundle
- abbe98/ksamsok-php (0.3.0)
PHP library for the K-Samsök API.
- cakephp/cakephp (3.0.0-RC1)
The CakePHP framework
- jeremykendall/php-domain-parser (2.0.0)
Public Suffix List based URL parsing implemented in PHP.
- wtech/form-bundle (v0.2.1)
- fabianbeiner/php-imdb-grabber (v6.0.0)
This PHP library enables you to scrap data from
- chiliec/yii2-vote (1.0)
Provides anonymous voting for any models
- cakephp/core (3.0.0-RC1)
CakePHP Framework Core classes
- wsdl2phpgenerator/wsdl2phpgenerator (3.1.0)
Simple class library for generating php classes from a wsdl file.
- php-nik/pm-bundle (1.0.0)
Project manager bundle for Symfony2
- iateadonut/signup (v1.0.1)
A signup with email confirmation form for Laravel
- sndsgd/field (0.1.5)
A collection of tools for handling user input
- rap2hpoutre/laravel-log-viewer (v0.1.5)
- graham-campbell/core (v1.0.1)
Core Provides Some Extra Functionality For Laravel 5
- bishopb/laravel-forums (0.1.4)
Forums and discussion boards for Laravel, using the Vanilla Forums engine.
- sndsgd/util (0.1.5)
A utility toolkit for PHP
- maverick/maverick (0.4.4)
A micro framework for PHP
- captbrogers/generator-repo (v0.1.6)
A very opinionated repository pattern generator for Laravel
- voku/portable-utf8 (1.0.2)
Portable UTF-8 library
- johnpbloch/wordpress-project (0.1.3)
An out-of-the-box composer-powered WordPress package inspired by Mark Jaquith's WordPress Skeleton
- bishopb/vanilla (
Export of Vanilla Forums. Tagged semantically with no huge pack files.
- ciims-modules/api (2.0.3)
The API module for CiiMS
- ciims-themes/default (3.0.12)
The default theme that comes with CiiMS
- sndsgd/debug (0.0.1)
Tools for debugging PHP scripts in various environments
- frankperez87/map-array (v2.0.3)
This class allows you to easily map the header of array and its data to a set of names you specify.
- innmind/provisioner-bundle (1.1.1, 1.1.0)
This Bundle automatically spawn new processes when one finishes
- graham-campbell/testbench (v1.1.7)
TestBench Provides Some Testing Functionality For Laravel 5.0
- alfallouji/php_multithread (0.1.3, 0.1.2, 0.1)
iPHP library to handle multi-threading
- psecio/versionscan (1.4)
A PHP version scanner for reporting possible vulnerabilities
- alfred-nutile-inc/fixturizer (1.1)
- wordpoints/module-uninstall-tester (0.2.2)
Utilities for testing WordPoints module install/uninstall with PHPUnit
- uwetews/smarty-phpunit (v3.1.2, v3.1.1)
Smarty - the compiling PHP template engine
- earthit/php-project-utils (0.0.6)
Build utilities for PHP projects, in PHP.
- minutephp/minutephp (v1.0.3)
The MinutePHP Framework.
- minutephp/framework (v1.0.2)
The MinutePHP Framework.
- arnsbomedia/opengraph_parser (0.0.3)
A parser for getting open graph data from webpages
- earthit/dbc (0.0.8)
Database access utilities
- elfet/pure (v1.1.0)
Pure PHP key-value storage
- arcanedev/head (1.0.2)
Head Helper
- payum/payum-silex-provider (0.13.0)
Rich payment solutions for Silex framework. Paypal, Payex, Authorize.Net, Be2bill, Omnipay, Recurring paymens, IPN and many more
- imdbphp/imdbphp (2.4.1)
Library for retrieving film and tv information from IMDb
- smarty/smarty-phpunit (v3.1.0, v3.1.1)
Smarty - the compiling PHP template engine
- plummer/calendarful (v0.1.1)
Calendar generator that allows for recurring events.
- lpinc/lpi-asset-loader (0.1.1)
LpiAssetLoader is a zf2 module that can be used in zf2 layouts to load front end asset javascript and css files and frameworks
- sdis62/core-common (0.0.1)
PSR4 package regroupant des fonctionnalités communes aux packages de type core
- typo3/neos-base-distribution (1.2.1)
TYPO3 Neos Base Distribution
- typo3/neos (1.2.1)
The next generation of the popular open-source CMS.
- dlds/yii2-metronic (0.2.1, 0.2)
Yii2 Metronic theme integration
- marcelgwerder/laravel-api-handler (v0.4.1)
Package providing helper functions for a Laravel REST-API
- jabli/sexy (
sexy sql expressions
- atelierdisko/jsend (v0.5.0)
JSend Request/Response Objects for PHP
- fm-labs/cakephp-facebook (1.0)
CakePHP Facebook Plugin
- predis/predis (v1.0.1)
Flexible and feature-complete PHP client library for Redis
- haslv/ipbwi (1.0.2, 1.0.1)
IPBWI integration for Laravel
- lunetics/timezone-bundle (2.1.3)
A Bundle for detecting the timezone
- stil/gd-text (v1.0.0)
A class drawing multiline and aligned text on pictures. Uses GD extension.
- samokspv/exclude-similar-docs (1.0.8, 1.0.7, 1.0.6)
Exclude similar documents
- bwoester/yii-event-interceptor (v1.0.2)
A component, that allows to intercept events raised by observed components.
- grumpydictator/firefly-iii (3.2.2)
A web-application to manage your finances. This version will replace grumpydictator/firefly when it's finished.
- morannon/morannon (0.1.1)
SMS Gateway library to provide many sms providers behind a single interface.
- clubmaster/formextra (2.5, 2.4)
ClubMaster form extra.
- typo3/flow (2.3.1)
TYPO3 Flow Application Framework
- believer-ufa/prettyforms (0.1.18)
Helps to make a simple and easy client-server validation for forms
- richsage/rms-push-notifications-bundle (0.1.3)
Push notifications/messages for mobile devices
- spomky-labs/aes-key-wrap (v0.1.1, v0.1)
AES Kew Wrap for PHP.
- payum/payum-yii-extension (0.13.0)
Rich payment solutions for Yii framework. Paypal, payex,, be2bill, omnipay, recurring paymens, instant notifications and many more
- icon-embedder/icon-embedder (v0.2.0)
PHP library to embed svg icons in the html
- ksst/kf (0.1.31)
Koch Framework
- storm/ajax-json-communicator (0.0.3)
Description of project ajax-json-communicator.
- fesor/json_matcher (0.1.0)
Collection if JSON matchers for painless usage
- apinnecke/composite-number-range-behavior (0.1.1)
A behavior providing composite number ranges with a foreign key and a composite key.
- rezzza/tk1-contexts (1.1.2)
Behatch contexts
- radekdostal/nette-datetimepicker (1.6.1)
DatePicker and DateTimePicker input controls for Nette Framework
- localgod/pecl_mongo_phpdoc (v1.0.0)
Skeleton classes for the PHP PECL mongo extension, for IDE auto completion.
- wp-pay-extensions/gravityforms (1.0.1)
Gravity Forms driver for the WordPress payment processing library.
- broadway/broadway (0.4.0)
Infrastructure and testing helpers for creating CQRS and event sourced applications.
- fabiang/sasl (1.0.0)
Abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses.
- qafoolabs/profiler (v1.3.5)
Simple library that wraps Xhprof profile collection and sends to Qafoo Profiler
- sunnysideup/copyfactory (0.1, 0.2)
Copy database records including their has-one, has-many and many-many records. Great for duplicating parts of complex database records.
- zfrapid/zf2rapid-library (v0.3.5)
ZF2 module with a library to be used by ZF2rapid Skeleton Application