Recent releases from the Packagist:
- railpage/railpagecore (1.2.13, 1.2.12)
Railpage core code classes. More information available at
- oxygen/pages (0.1.4)
Pages Component for Oxygen
- oxygen/data (0.1.5)
Oxygen's Data Layer
- cleentfaar/slack (0.13.1)
A PHP library providing easy access to the Slack API
- nette/tester (v1.3.2)
An easy-to-use PHP unit testing framework.
- translationexchange/tml (1.4.2)
Translation Markup Language for PHP
- oxygen/core-views (0.2.2)
View Files and Rendering Code for the Core
- components/ember (1.11.0-beta.1, 1.10.0)
A framework for creating ambitious web applications.
- oxygen/preferences (0.1.4)
Preferences Framework for Oxygen
- oxygen/dashboard (0.1.2)
Oxygen Dashboard
- oxygen/crud (0.1.2)
Create, Read, Update and Delete Scaffolding for Oxygen
- oxygen/auth (0.1.2)
Authorisation Component
- oxygen/core (0.2.1)
The Core Framework For Oxygen
- robmorgan/phinx (v0.4.2.1)
Phinx makes it ridiculously easy to manage the database migrations for your PHP app.
- robloach/git-deploy (0.0.4)
Deploy and manage git deployments.
- rydurham/sentinel (v2.0.0a3)
An implementation of the Sentry User Manager for Laravel.
- adminweb/br-zend (0.1.0, 0.1.1)
Formatters and Validators in Brazilian Format Numbers
- noflash/shout (v1.0.0)
Simple yet powerful logging library with rotation support.
- repo2/query-reactor (v2.0)
Asynchronous & non-blocking MySQL queries executor.
- net_bazzline/zf_locator_generator_debian_6_backport (1.2.0)
zend framework 2 locator generator module
- couscous/couscous (1.1.1, 1.1.0)
- net_bazzline/zf_locator_generator (1.3.0, 1.2.0)
zend framework 2 locator generator module
- stichoza/skype-status-php (v2.0.0)
Get Skype user's online status
- net_bazzline/zf_console_helper_debian_6_backport (1.0.1)
zend framework 2 console helper module
- net_bazzline/zf_console_helper (1.0.2)
zend framework 2 console helper module
- brightmachine/laratash (5.0.5)
A Laravel 5+ wrapper for mustache.php, a PHP implementation of
- kirkbushell/eloquence (1.1.5)
Allows developers to work with Laravel 5 Eloquent models in the same fashion they'd use every other class - with camelCase methods and attributes.
- bmartel/workshop (1.0.2)
A package generator for web artisans.
- net_bazzline/php_component_command (1.0.5)
php component command is a thin and generic wrapper to easy up using system (shell) command usage
- hediet/microwebframework (v0.1.0)
A microwebframework for php designed to work with hediet/contruder.
- nunzion/php-common (0.3.0)
Commonly used php functions.
- noahheck/e_pdostatement (v2.0.0, v1.2.1)
Drop in replacement for default PDOStatement class allowing devs to view an interpolated version of a parameterized query
- voryx/thruway (0.3.1)
PHP WAMP2 library
- fizzka/phalcon-recaptcha (0.1.1)
Simple wrapper for google recaptcha for phalcon
- playground/user (2.1.3, 2.1.2, 2.1.1)
Module managing user
- lestad/huuid (1.0.2, 1.0.2-rc, 1.0.1)
Generates hard UUID string
- fkooman/rest-plugin-mellon (0.2.0)
Mellon (SAML) Authentication plugin for fkooman/rest
- bramus/mixed-content-scan (2.1)
Scan your HTTPS-enabled website for Mixed Content
- danoon/tmdb (0.2)
Tmdb api wrapper
- fkooman/rest-plugin-basic (0.4.0)
Basic Authentication plugin for fkooman/rest
- fkooman/php-lib-rest (0.6.7)
Simple PHP library for writing REST services.
- fkooman/rest (0.6.7)
Simple PHP library for writing REST services.
- fenix440/model-description (1.0.0)
Getter and Setter package for model description. This package is part of the 'AedartModel' namespace; visit to learn more about the project. Official sub-package website (
- shnhrrsn/laravel-5-base-app (v5.0.0.1, v5.0.0)
Alternative base app for Laravel 5
- net_bazzline/php_component_locator_generator (1.4.0)
Generates configuration based hard coded locator
- simplon/mustache (0.1.14, 0.1.12)
Lightweight & fast implementation of Mustache - Logic-less templates.
- nicolaslopezj/searchable (1.4.3)
Eloquent model search trait.
- yiiext/activerecord-relation-behavior (1.1.3)
Inspired by and put together the awesomeness of many yii extensions that aim to improve saving of related records. Comes with 100% test coverage and well structured and clean code so it can savely be used in enterprise production enviroment.
- daemyn/bee-helper (1.0)
Useful various functions
- jakoch/phantomjs-installer (2.0.0)
A Composer package which installs the PhantomJS binary (Linux, Windows, Mac) into `/bin` of your project.
- ejz/fetcher (v1.2.3)
Fetcher - is a multi-threaded URL fetcher. Uses cURL.
- xp-forge/google-authenticator (v0.2.0)
Google authenticator (HOTP & TOTP)
- alash3al/horus (v10.1)
A portable full stack event-driven framework for express developments
- adamwathan/eloquent-oauth (v0.6.0)
Stupid simple OAuth authentication with Laravel and Eloquent
- dg/adminer-custom (v1.6.0)
Customization for the best database management tool written in PHP, Adminer
- emanueleminotto/embedly-bundle (1.0.0)
Symfony 2 Bundle for the library
- bugbuster/banner (3.5.0-RC1)
A banner advertisement module for Contao CMS
- fightbulc/moment (1.6.5)
Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in PHP w/ i18n support. Inspired by moment.js
- duncan3dc/serial (0.4.0)
Consistent serialization helpers for multiple backends
- novuso/novuso-wp-common (0.2.1, 0.2.0)
Common libraries for Novuso WordPress development
- corpsee/nameless (0.4.4)
Yet another framework based on Symfony Components.
- spatie/mixed-content-scanner (0.8.1)
Scan an https-site for mixed content.
- corpsee/nameless-source (0.4.4)
Yet another framework based on Symfony Components.
- mikulas/adminer-package (v4.2.0)
Adminer as a convinient package
- hediet/contruder (v0.1.0)
A dependency injection and configuration framework.
- ciims-plugins/rackspaceuploader (1.0.0)
A CiiMS plugin to upload files to Rackspace Cloud files CDN
- vrana/adminer (v4.2.0)
Database management in a single PHP file.
- antoineaugusti/laravel-easyrec (v1.0-RC1)
A Laravel wrapper for the recommendation system Easyrec
- novuso/wordpress (0.2.0)
Novuso WordPress Project Template
- tyml/parser (v0.1.0)
Parser for tyml.
- saxulum/saxulum-phpdoc-generator (1.0-rc1)
Saxulum PhpDoc Generator
- pfefferle/webfinger-cli (1.0.0)
Web version of the finger protocol
- arrilot/laravel-widgets (2.1.0)
This packages provides a basic widget functionality to boost your Laravel views. Really fast and convinient workflow
- nickurt/zf-maintenance (v1.0)
- opensolutions/doctrine2bridge-l5 (v2.4.0)
Adds the the power of Doctrine2 to Laravel 5 (with support for SQL logging and authentication)
- ipub/visual-paginator (v1.0.1)
Visual paginator for Nette Framework
- ipub/confirmation-dialog (v2.0.0)
Nette extension for creating confirm action dialogs for various items on iPublikuj framework
- takeatea/tea-theme-options (v1.5.2.14)
Simple, easy to use and fully integrated Theme Options for Wordpress, made by Take a tea.
- ipub/flash-messages (v1.0.0)
Flash messages for Nette Framework
- aklump/loft_data_grids (0.4.15, 0.4.14)
PHP Classes to allow data placement in a grid structure and exporting in various data formats.
- michele-angioni/entrust (v3.0-alpha1)
This package provides a flexible way to add Role-based Permissions to Laravel 4
- maxmirazh33/yii2-uploadable-file (v1.0.0)
Yii2 extension for upload files
- kenobi883/gotomeeting (v0.7.0)
Guzzle-based client to the Citrix GoToMeeting API.
- artemsk/veer (v1.1.4)
The Veer Layer.
- maxmirazh33/yii2-uploadable-cropable-image (v1.0.3)
Yii2 extension for upload and crop images
- panlatent/phalconlab (v0.1.0.0019)
Help us to quickly build a web application using Phalcon
- bziemons/contao-avatar (3.2.4)
- nineinchnick/edatatables (0.9.9, 1.0.0)
Grid widget for the Yii Framework, wrapper for the DataTables jQuery plugin
- flow/jsonpath (0.2.3)
JSONPath implementation for parsing, searching and flattening arrays
- shivas/versioning-bundle (1.1.0)
Symfony2 application versioning, simple console command to manage version (with handlers e.g. git tag) of your application using Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 recomendations
- hemuveg/admin-bundle (0.1)
Administration bundle
- dts/ebay-sdk-trading (0.13.0)
An eBay SDK for PHP. Use the eBay Trading API in your PHP projects.
- prologue/support (v1.1.1, v1.1.0)
Prologue Support is an extension for Illuminate Support
- xepps/hanleyandco-content (0.10.0, 0.9.0, 0.8.6, 0.8.5, 0.8.4, 0.8.3)
Hanley and Co Chartered Accountants Website Content
- eko/feedbundle (1.2.2)
A Symfony bundle to build RSS feeds from entities
- qiniu/php-sdk (v6.1.13)
Qiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage SDK for PHP
- kphoen/rulerz-bundle (0.1.0)
Symfony2 Bundle for RulerZ
- rollerworks/search-doctrine-dbal (v1.0.0-beta2)
Doctrine DBAL extension for RollerworksSearch
- morrislaptop/laravel-five-package-bridges (1.0.1)
Use your Laravel 4 packages in Laravel 5
- djtec/debugger (1.0.0)
Simple debugger PHP5
- kphoen/rulerz (0.1.0)
Powerful implementation of the Specification pattern
- contaoblackforest/contao-backend-page-nested (1.0.4)
Contao Backend Page Nested Menu for Contao OpenSource CMS
- contaoblackforest/contao-image-srcset (1.0.2)
Contao Image SrcSet for Contao OpenSource CMS
- urmaul/yii-jsonfields (v1.0.0)
Yii CActiveRecord behavior that allows to create array attributes which are stored in DB using json.
- minutephp/support (v0.0.1)
The MinutePHP Support Dsk.
- simsite/project (v1.3)
SimSite Project
- letron/optimizer (2.0.0)
An optimizer for the Mako framework.
- boris/imgscrape (0.2.1)
Simple image scraper from remote URL to get the largest image
- yiimediafile/mediafile (v0.1.1)
yii notifier
- serverfireteam/rapyd-laravel (1.4.1)
crud widgets for laravel 4, to make an admin in few lines of code
- bound1ess/adviser (1.0.6)
A CLI application that checks your project for various possible improvements.
- maherelgamil/arabicdatetime (2.0.1, 2.0.0, 1.0.2)
Easy and useful tool to get arabic date with arabic characters for laravel 4
- quince/auto-provider (v0.1.1)
Automatically register service providers located in appProviders for laravel 5
- m1ome/phalcon-datatables (1.0.1)
DataTables adapter for Phalcon Framework
- fritzmg/contao-inherit-article (1.0.0)
Extension to replace the ArticleModel in order to allow inheritable articles
- phpmyfaq/phpmyfaq (2.8.20)
FAQ System
- thorsten/phpmyfaq (2.8.20)
FAQ System
- creocoder/yii2-flysystem (0.1.0)
The flysystem extension for the Yii framework
- c-datculescu/amqp-base (0.3.5)
Allows easy declaration and management of complex AMQP configurations
- chili-labs/json-pointer (v0.1.2)
Simple library for accessing PHP data structures with JSON Pointers (RFC 6901)
- janhenkgerritsen/codeception-laravel5 (1.0.10)
Laravel5 module for Codeception
- kevin-jones/utils-php (0.1.5, 0.1.4, 0.1.3, 0.1.2)
- continuousphp/phing-drush-task (1.0)
Drush task for Phing
- thomasvargiu/tmv-whatsapi (v0.3.0)
Full OOP library to communicate with WhatsApp service
- coilo/circle (1.0.0)
An object-oriented approach to FizzBuzz
- andreoli/api-proxy-laravel (1.0.1)
A Laravel helper proxy package for javascript API calls
- playground/game (2.6.7)
The Game module !
- urmaul/yii-opengraph (v1.0.0)
Yii component to store and render opengraph tags.
- phpcr/phpcr-shell (1.0.0-beta2)
Shell for PHPCR
- naldz/string-generator-bundle (v0.1.1, v0.1.0)
- adrexia/dashboardmods (0.1.1, 0.1)
Design modifications to the SilverStripe Dashboard module
- yxdj/test (1.0.0)
test page for yxdj
- c9s/sqlbuilder (2.3.0)
Fast and Powerful SQLBuilder for PHP5.3
- akens/laravel-helpers (v1.1)
A library of helpers for use with the Laravel framework.
- arx/installer (4.2.1)
Micro Mvc Package based on Laravel