Recent releases from the Packagist:
- omnipay/litle (2.1)
Litle gateway for Omnipay payment processing library
- kalnoy/nestedset (v2.3.1)
Nested Set Model for Laravel 4
- kartik-v/strength-meter (v1.1.1)
A dynamic strength meter for password input validation with various configurable options.
- rtconner/laravel-tagging (1.0.0)
Use PHP traits to extend Laravel Eloquent Models to allow Tags. Models can be marked as Taggable.
- justinvoelker/yii2-tagging (1.0.1)
Turn delimited data into tags
- t1st3/t1st3-assets (1.4.1, 1.4.0)
Assets used for T1st3's projects
- clickalicious/phpmemadmin (v0.3.0)
phpMemAdmin - Bringing Memcached to the web
- laravel-ja/comja5 (1.0.5)
Translate comments in laravel/laravel version5 to Japanese
- clickalicious/memcached.php (v0.4.0)
Memcached.php - Plain vanilla PHP Memcached client with full support of Memcached protocol.
- monokakure/laravel-csv (0.1.1)
Simple CSV manipulation for Laravel. Also you can select encoding.
- rdev/rdev (v0.3.0)
The RDev PHP framework
- rdev/applications (v0.3.0)
The RDev application library
- stormsys/simplehal (0.1.0)
SimpleHal is an easy to use library for consuming Hal API's
- rdev/http (v0.3.0)
The RDev HTTP library
- unialteri/curl-request (0.8.0-beta)
This library allows you to easily create and execute HTTP Requests with cURL. Fork from zeroem/curl-bundle
- cleentfaar/slack (0.14.4, 0.14.3)
Access your Slack Team's API through PHP objects
- cleentfaar/slack-bundle (0.14.2, 0.14.1)
This bundle provides integration with the Slack API library, allowing you to interact with the Slack API from within your Symfony projects
- codezero/courier (2.0.1)
Simple HTTP request interface with optional caching
- freialib/bundle (v1.7.0)
freia bundle
- freia/autoloader (v1.3.2)
Tome of php server magic that you can add to any project
- hlin/tools (v1.4.0)
freia module
- wyrihaximus/ticking-promise (1.5.0)
Wrapping ticks into a promise
- (v1.2.3, v1.2.2)
A way better CMS
- easyframework/collections (v3.2.0)
Easy Framework Collection Component
- kennedytedesco/validation (2.0.1, 2.0.0)
The power of 'Respect Validation' on Laravel.
- whichbrowser/whichbrowser (v1.0.1018)
User agent sniffing gone too far
- qlake/qlake (v0.0.1, v0.0.2)
The Qlake Framework
- hlin/archetype (v1.4.0)
freia module
- fenrir/tools (v1.1.7)
freia module
- fenrir/system (v1.2.0)
freia module
- ikwattro/github-event (1.0.0)
Github Api Public Events to PHP Objects Mapper
- nicoswd/putio (0.3.0)
PHP 5.4 wrapper for PutIO's OAuth API (v2)
- phaza/wsa-curl-soap-client (0.5, 0.4)
A WS-Addressing wrapper around curl soap wrapper
- components/ember-data (1.0.0-beta.15)
A data persistence library for Ember.js.
- bugbuster/banner (3.5.0)
A banner advertisement module for Contao CMS
- kjenney/php-webminer (0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1)
A php client that uses WebDriver and Querypath
- tanariel/test-banner-bundle (1.1.0, v1.0.4, v1.0.3, v1.0.2, v1.0.1, 0.0.0, v1.0)
- jocolopes/filefilter (1.0.0)
Provides an easy way to scan and filter files
- freshwork/console (0.1.2, 0.1.1, 0.1)
Freshwork console utilities for your Laravel Development workflow
- atelierspierrot/webservices (v1.0.4)
A PHP engine to manage web-services easily
- qlake/framework (v0.0.2)
The Qlake Framework
- xi/filelib (v0.13.0)
File library for PHP
- ilyabakhlin/server (0.0.9)
A PHP class for managing the Apache's $_SERVER array.
- atelierspierrot/library (v1.1.9)
The PHP library package of Les Ateliers Pierrot.
- atelierspierrot/patterns (v1.0.9)
A set of PHP classic interfaces or abstract classes patterns.
- fancyguy/composer-wordpress-plugin (0.5.1, 0.5.0, 0.4.3, 0.4.2, 0.4.1, 0.4.0)
WordPress installer for Composer
- dbg/new-project (0.0.1)
- iateadonut/signup (v1.1.0)
A signup with email confirmation form for Laravel
- mfrost503/snaggle (1.0.0)
An OAuth 1.0 Client Library
- hashworks/phergie-plugin-srr-database-search (v1.0.0)
Phergie plugin to search
- ptlis/shell-command (v0.4.0)
A basic wrapper around execution of shell commands.
- synapticism/ubik-excluder (0.1.0)
Arbitrarily exclude WordPress posts from the homepage
- pavlinter/yii2-display-image (v1.1.0)
Yii2: Auto resize image
- jp3cki/totp (1.0.0-beta1)
RFC 6238 / TOTP: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm
- peridot-php/leo (1.3.2)
Next level assertion and matcher library for PHP
- offline/persistent-settings (1.0.0)
Persistent Settings Manager for Laravel 5
- orchestra/foundation (v3.0.1)
Orchestra Platform Foundation
- pragmarx/firewall (v0.3.0)
A Laravel 4.1+ IP whitelisting and blacklisting
- turnbullm/youtubeiest (v1.0.0)
Of all the PHP YouTube libraries, this is the YouTubeiest
- zoddo/gitlab-webhook (v1.0.0)
A GitLab webhook
- zofe/rapyd (2.0.0)
crud widgets for laravel 4, to make an admin in few lines of code
- julien-boudry/condorcet (v0.90.0)
Condorcet is a PHP Class to computing many Condorcet voting methods
- martindilling/basicvalueobjects (0.2.2, 0.2.1)
A collection of basic value objects.
- wecodemore/recaptcha (v0.5.0, v0.3.0, v0.2.3, v0.2.2, v0.2.1, v0.2.0)
ReCAPTCHA is a free CAPTCHA service that protects websites from spam and abuse.
- corneltek/lazyrecord (2.0.0)
The Fast PHP ORM
- voda/date-input (1.0.7)
HTML 5 compatible date / time input field for Nette.
- xiangminwang/oauth2-qq (v0.0.2, 0.0.2)
QQ provider for league/oauth2-client
- sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle (2.3.1)
Symfony Sonata / Integrate Doctrine ORM into the SonataAdminBundle
- playground/zdt-templatehint (1.0.0)
ZF2 Zend developer toolbar addon : Playground Template Hint
- thefox/macho (v0.1.0)
PHP script for modifying Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64 files.
- draperstudio-socialite-provider/spotify (v1.0.0)
Spotify Provider for Laravel Socialite
- draperstudio-socialite-provider/foursquare (v1.0.0)
Foursquare Provider for Laravel Socialite
- sibertec/data (0.0.2)
Sibertec.Data is a small, easy to use PHP library that manages connections to MySQL databases, and also can act as an Object Relational Mapper.
- playground/user (2.1.7, 2.1.6, 2.1.5, 2.1.4)
Module managing user
- heidilabs/markov-php (0.2)
A simple markov chain experiment
- league/cowsayphp (1.0.0)
Cowsay port in PHP
- draperstudio-socialite-provider/soundcloud (v1.0.0)
Soundcloud Provider for Laravel Socialite
- istranger/yii2-resource-smart-load (v1.0.0)
The extension for prevent reload (on AJAX request) resources, which already exist on client
- mauserrifle/simresults (v0.6.0)
Simrace result reader for PHP
- draperstudio-socialite-provider/mailchimp (v1.0.0)
Mailchimp Provider for Laravel Socialite
- mindy/orm (
- helios-ag/fm-elfinder-php-connector (2.2)
ElFinder PHP backend, 5.3 compliant
- draperstudio-socialite-provider/bitly (v1.0.0)
Bitly Provider for Laravel Socialite
- cement/cement-config (v1.0.1)
- draperstudio-socialite-provider/flickr (v1.0.0)
Flickr Provider for Laravel Socialite
- draperstudio-socialite-provider/tumblr (v1.0.0)
Tumblr Provider for Laravel Socialite
- draperstudio-socialite-provider/imgur (v1.0.0)
Imgur Provider for Laravel Socialite
- bound1ess/adviser (1.0.7)
A CLI application that checks your project for various possible improvements.
- draperstudio-socialite-provider/slack (v1.0.0)
Slack Provider for Laravel Socialite
- draperstudio-socialite-provider/500px (v1.0.0)
500px Provider for Laravel Socialite
- thytanium/agent (v2.0)
User-Agent class ported from CodeIgniter to Laravel
- visualappeal/php-auto-update (0.9.0)
Autoupdater for php
- cement/cement (v1.2.2)
Lightweight and extensible framework for PHP.
- just-paja/fudjan (0.5.14, 0.5.13)
Fudjan LMCV web framework with modules and layouts
- zidizei/debug (0.1.1)
Simple debugging utility for PHP.
- koolkode/process (0.1.4)
KoolKode Process Virtual Machine
- sleeping-owl/admin (2.0.10, 1.3.13, 2.0.9, 1.3.12)
Aministrative interface builder for Laravel.
- nilportugues/uuid (v1.0.0)
Library to encapsulate the latest and more secure Uuid versions
- datachore/datachore (0.1.0)
Datachore is a Query Builder and ORM for Google Appengine's Datastore
- lessname/basic (1.0.5, 1.0.4)
Basic DDD and CQRS library
- fgrosse/phpasn1 (1.1.0)
A PHP Framework that allows you to encode and decode arbitrary ASN.1 structures using the ITU-T X.690 Encoding Rules.
- janhenkgerritsen/codeception-laravel5 (1.0.11)
Laravel5 module for Codeception
- cnam/gitlab-api-service-provider (0.0.4, 0.0.3)
Sdk for integration gitlab api
- ricardoper/twitteroauth (v2.1.2)
PHP library to communicate with Twitter OAuth API version 1.1
- debril/rss-atom-bundle (1.4.4, 1.5.4, 1.5.3, 1.4.3)
RSS and Atom support for Symfony 2
- cnam/gitlab-api (0.3.0)
Sdk for integration gitlab api
- hampel/validate-laravel (2.1.0)
Extends the Laravel validation service with additional rules
- cdesign/ldapbundle (v1.0.0)
Ldap Authentication/User Provider Bundle for Symfony
- nitra/e-commerce-admin-managerbundle (v2.0.0)
nep admin manager bundle
- guidovanbiemen/laravel-whoops (1.0.1)
Laravel 5 Whoops integration package
- hampel/tlds (1.2.0)
Fetches the latest list of Top Level Domains from IANA, plus Laravel validation service extensions for validating TLDs
- dericofilho/fmt (7.5.1)
A script to automatically fix K&R and PSR-1/2 Coding Standard.
- demontpx/easy-twig (0.1.1)
Easy twig
- jenssegers/oauth (v2.0.0-beta)
Laravel OAuth library based on Lusitanian/PHPoAuthLib
- zoddo/template (v1.0.2)
HTML Template system
- jurjean/spray-serializer (1.0.0)
- asterixcapri/gestpaycrypt (2.1.0)
PHP implementation of GestPayCrypt and GestPayCryptHS classes by Bancasella to use with GestPay online payment.
- kartik-v/yii2-export (v1.2.2)
A library to export server/db data in various formats (e.g. excel, html, pdf, csv etc.)
- kartik-v/yii2-widget-activeform (v1.4.1)
Enhanced Yii2 active-form and active-field with full bootstrap styling support (sub repo split from yii2-widgets).
- draperstudio-socialite-provider/stripe (v1.0.0)
Stripe Provider for Laravel Socialite
- draperstudio-socialite-provider/box (v1.0.0)
Box Provider for Laravel Socialite
- pavlinter/yii2-dot-translation (v1.1.1)
Yii2: Component that translates short texts
- serverfireteam/rapyd-laravel (1.4.4)
crud widgets for laravel 4, to make an admin in few lines of code
- maye/oauth-client (1.0.1, 1.0.0)
PHP OAuth Client based on lusitanian/oauth
- keboola/syrup (2.0.1)
- codelint/wechat (1.0.0)
helper for wechat open api